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Heated driveway

11 years ago

I'm in the process of getting my driveway repaved. Due to the topography of my driveway (steep, long, and turning at the steepest incline), and my increasing age, aka decreasing comfort zone, I am seriously contemplating adding heat to a segment of the driveway. This is Southeastern PA, so we are not inundated with lots of snow, but enough for it to become a nuisance at most inopportune times. The cost of maintaining the driveway during times of snow and/or ice is significant.

I am at the point in the decision-making process where I would like to go with an electrical system. I am aware of the requirements. My question for those who have experience with these systems, are there some that are preferable over others? Mats vs. wires? Retrofitting vs. full asphalt coverage? Insulation on the underside really needed, and can you even achieve this kind of insulation with retrofitting?

Maintenance/repair: are the retrofitted cable systems easier to repair? How do you feel about caulked cuts on the driveway?

I'm grateful for feedback. Thank you!!


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