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Finished! Modern, IKEA, quartz, Nexus Yellow-Brown, under $15K.

14 years ago

We are DONE! This was a 95% DIY effort and I'm excited to finally be able to share it with the GW kitchen board. I drew a lot of inspiration from the members here.

We had a 15K budget and actually came in a good bit under. We kept the same essential footprint and plumbing locations and kept the original paver flooring. The original pantries stayed in place and got a coat of paint (and the microwave moved into one of them). We built a new wall to create a fridge alcove and separate the range area for the backsplash feature. It was all DIY except for the countertops and the plumber. (Rest assured that the vintage Norge fridge found a great new home).

The before:

The after:

ÂIkea Nexus Yellow-Brown, "Spann" handles. ($2,600)

ÂZodiaq Papyrus ($4,380)

ÂKohler sink (32-1/4" x 17-3/4" x 9" deep) ($100 Â open box)

ÂPrice-Phister Mystique pull-out spray ($170)


ÂLunada Bay, sendai silk ($750)


ÂKitchen Aid Refrigerator ($1,386 Â Sears closing, floor model)

ÂKitchen Aid gas convection range ($1,492 Â Sears closing, floor model)

ÂBosch dishwasher ($450, LoweÂs repaired clearance)

ÂArietta Range Hood ($300)

ÂIn-sinkerator disposal with air switch. ($150)

ÂBuilding Supplies ($1,500)

ÂPlumber ($350)



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