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LOOKING for: Lemon Cream scones

There used to be a small busy café in Madison WI just off the Capitol, that had amazing scones. They had a lemon cream one that was the best. I talked to the owner one day and she was closing the restaurant to open a company to market ready to bake scones and other things. She recommended a book called Simply Scones which I promptly bought. She said to watch for her products to appear in stores but they never did.

I have made many kinds of scones but have never been able to recapture the taste of these. There is a lemon cream scone in that book too but it does not turn out very lemony. I have tried adding fresh lemon peel, and lemon oil. The latter is the best addition but it is still missing a certain "je ne sais quoi" .

Anyone have a good recipe I can try? Thanks!

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