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UPDATE: Boyfriend's House for Sale and Staging

12 years ago

I wanted to follow up with those of you who had followed a couple of my threads as to how things turned out with the staging and sell of my bf's house in Seattle.

Things could not have gone better! We received a fabulous offer before even going to list. It was from the clients of the first Real Estate Broker with whom we met (yet we told him we were not going with him as our agent and had chosen another). So, we had not yet signed with the agent we had chosen and he brought his clients in and that was it... they made an offer. We had a day and a half to stage and clean and move boxes etc before they came. We did a pretty good job given the time we had. We hung over 40 paintings and decorated every last inch of his 3000 sq. ft house. Plus put in a half day of shopping! We still have a long road ahead of us with the inspection and everything else. Never a done deal until the closing is over.

So, here are some pictures...

Here is one area I had posted about


And another... I had much bigger plans for this spot but had zero time to work on it. This was the best I could do.


Here are some other pics

These chairs were a steal at TJMaxx


A shot of his dining area etc.


And it was the perfect day for a showing!!!


The sad part is leaving this stunningly beautiful city and his fabulous house! But we are overjoyed with the great luck we had.

Thanks to you all for your help with this whole staging dilemma. I love this forum!


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