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I Found Drape Fabric!

13 years ago

Today I wandered into the little fabric store in town. I saw this fabric and I think it'll be great in my bedroom. It was on sale at $14.50 a yard, but they only have a little bit left. So I found it online, but nobody has it for much less than $25. a yard. I'm going to call their sister store that is a couple hours away and see if they have it. I'm SO excited!

It looks nice with the Edgecomb gray walls that DH is in the middle of painting.

The fun part is I can do the green on the bed in the Summer, maybe the blue or a gray in the colder months. The fabric is linen-y and less formal than it looks in the photos. My plan is to get enough for four 96" drapes and then extra for a couple of Euro pillows. My stepsister said she'd make the drapes for $65 a panel. (with a liner) That seems reasonable enough compared to some of the prices I've seen on Etsy.

Beth P.

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