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XP: Seriously? Ungrouted tiles in shower = leaking into basement?

16 years ago

I'm in the process of buying a house. Just had a follow up inspection by a plumber today (I couldn't be there, but my realtor was). She said the plumber claims that the leak is due to the fact that SOME of the tiles in the shower surround have grout that is gone. And therefore, when the shower is run, the water goes behind the tiles, and down into the basement below, which is where we saw the leak.

To me, this soundsd quite odd, because 1) when we had the initial home inspection and discovered the leak, the shower wasn't run all that long (probably 5 mins or less), and 2) even if it was run for a fair amount of time, I STILL don't think that much water would get behind the tiles, down the wall, and through the ceiling in the basement!

Am I crazy? Our inspection contingency expires on the third, but I'm thinking about extending it so I can get a second opinion. Thoughts?

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