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cabinets to ceiling or not.

12 years ago

I saw an earlier thread with the same subject but my situation is a little different.

I have a very small galley kitchen. 8 x 10, doors at each long end. Ceilings are 98 inches.

I have met with 2 separate kitchen designers that strongly recommend not having cabinets go to ceiling. They mention all of the practical issues, ceilings not being square and ending up with awkward looking lines etc.

I have looked at many pictures of kitchens and it can look okay if you have a large kitchen, but with a small kitchen it looks strange to me. (not to mention all I can see is the dust collecting on top and the space above is too small for any practical use. There was the mention of lighting, but with such a small space I don't really need dramatic lighting above my cabinets, when the central lighting is only about 4 ft away.)

Any thoughts regarding a small kitchen and cabinet height?

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