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In need of help.

12 years ago

Ok, my friends, short story made long. DH and I are hosting a 5K, 10K, and 1/2 marathon trail run in October as a fund raiser for our Civitan Club. The name of the event is the "Forest" (Fellowship Of Runners Experiencing Sylaward Trail" Run). From the other events we have participated in and helped with, we know the runners come for the "bling". Our medals will be wooden discs with a tree branded on the front, and the year on the back. We are having a brand made similar to McCalls Pine Tree block:


and using a different color ribbon for each event. We will have prizes for over-all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place men and women in each event (don't know what they will be yet). We will also have 1st, 2nd, 3rd place men and women in each age group (6 groups by 10 year intervals, that's 108 prizes) which will be a small seedling for them to plant. Now he would like to include a quilt as a prize to be given away in a drawing. One for men and one for women if possible.

Here is where the help comes in. I would like to make them scrappy and am seeking HSTs to make the blocks. I would like to make them at least lap size, that will be 12 blocks with 18 HSTs each, so 216 per quilt. Plus possibly some for borders. If anyone would be willing to help me by making HSTs I would so greatly appreciate it and will be more than happy to send a FQ in exchange. I would like them any color/shade green with unbleached muslin. Any size would be wonderful, as long as I can trim it to 2 1/2 inch.

If you can help out just send me an e-mail and I'll get my address out to you. Thanks so much.


Here is a link that might be useful: McCalls Pine Tree block

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