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Front Door Jewellery

13 years ago

This is my first post to this forum.

We are currently building our home and preparing for a late summer move and I am hyper focused on every design detail. I feel here I am among friends. Anyway the current obsession is with the front doors. Originally the builder wanted to stick in a pair of budget doors with generic inside the glass muntins (mullions?? Always forget which is which) but it wasn't for me. Not being snobby, just too common a style here.

I have opted to swap those for a pair of solid 6 panel doors painted in a deep brown (so deep it reads black, but softened so that it doesn't jar against the brown earthy tones of the home).

The only issue with this move to solid doors is that it deletes the ability to view visitors. A glass transom runs across the top so while providing light, won't help keep shady characters on the right side of the door. So, to the question, I want a bit of bling, and I need a peephole. Does anyone have peepholes in both of their double front doors? Also is it too much to add a set of door knockers (mostly decorative) under both peepholes, and corresponding kick plates on both doors. All of these will relate to the lock and grip hardware which is in a stainless steel finish. Is this symmetry overload? Have you done this? Anyone have a pic? I can't find one anywhere, which always makes one second guess themselves...

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