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Indoor Bike Storage

14 years ago

Does anyone store their bikes inside? We don't have any outdoor space - like a garage or shed - but we need to have a safe home for our three bikes. I found an oak rack on Amazon that basically tension mounts between the floor and ,in our case, 13' ceiling. Our rear hall is plenty wide and we have a long enough wall that the bikes won't protrude into the (many) doorways.

This hallway is basically our family entrance/mudroom with slate floors and access to the laundry and backyard.

My husband thinks this is crazy talk putting bikes in the hallway and thinks we should install a municipal style bike rack under our canopy (we own an old grocery store) but I have visions of hideous abandoned bikes missing tires and seats suddenly showing up. Not to mention that *technically* that would be a permanent encroachment on city property (even if I am legally leasing the space back).

We live in New Orleans, so between the rain and the crime, we can't just leave them in the backyard and hope for the best.

Man, I used to just throw my bike down in the front yard when I was a kid! And we had a garage ;-)

Here is a link that might be useful: Bike Rack

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