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Building Pool - South Carolina

16 years ago


I'm about to contract with my chosen builder in the midlands of SC and am just soliciting ideas and comments on our design.

Getting a 16'x32' gunite with aggregate finish and 3' beam wall with 36" sheer waterfall.

We found this photo and presented it to our builder:


Here's the plan that the builder gave based on this photo:


Back yard:


We are very happy with the design. We're going to go with a spraydeck and have to go with poured concrete for the coping due to budget constraints. As a compromise, I thought I might like to put some travertine coping just along the edge where the pool steps are only. Would that look good or not so much?

We will be getting our tile from National Pool Tile and want something with a stone finish. We're a bit torn on tile selection. Deck coloring will be a creamy white. For the tile, not sure whether to pursue a bluish stone color that is on the darker side or a lighter tan. Not sure which will best complement the house.

If you have a similarly designed pool as us, would love to see pics!



Iris Design Associates
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Northern Virginia Landscape Architect - 13x Best of Houzz Winner!