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What railing do you have?

18 years ago

Hello everybody,

Finally the framing on my new deck is complete and the ipe is here ready to be installed. I have 2 questions:

1) The ipe was left stacked but not stickered and covered with a huge tarp to acclimate and they plan on installing it starting next week. Do you guys think it would acclimate alright?

2) I need to decide the railing for the deck. I'll probably need about 200lf of rail and choices are between ipe at about $30/lf and redwood/cedar at about $15/lf. This estimate does not include labor and I guess the price difference will be even higher giving nature of ipe. I think it would look the best matching railing with the deck (ipe and ipe) but the cost difference (at least $3k) makes me consider the redwood/cedar choice. What would you choose? Would redwood/cedar look fine? Does anybaody have a similar combo? Should I consider composite railing?

Thanks in advance,


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