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Prep sink added-do I move cleanup sink?

13 years ago

Still playing around with our plans for a beach home.

I think you all convinced me that a prep sink will work nicely in our island.

Now with that added I am wondering if the placement for our main sink should/needs to move (as some had suggested anyway). We had it by the window closest to the corner and wondering if it should go to the window to the left of that?

At first when we considered that placement it seemed too far to be carrying heavy pots of water to the stove, but maybe with the prep sink it should be moved away from the corner.

It will most likely be a 30" cabinet -maybe apron front sink.

Had a 36" but seems we don't need it that large.

Any thoughts...since moving the sink changes where the DW is and the drawers go for plates and cups, will that impact the flow negatively or positively in either place?

Do you use your prep sink like the one placed here for emptying pots of hot water/pasta, etc? Or carry it to the main sink?

Thanks again!

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