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Jan 2012 Quilting/Sewing Goals

Here we go again, quilters. What's on your plate for this month? I plan to continue working on my UFO's, find all the sets of blocks I have and put them in individual bags then put them all in the same container. I'll be making new things throughout the year but hope to keep them small-scale so they can be completed.

This month:

1. Border on Jewels

2. Finish Twister Wreath

3. Make 3 BOM blocks (I'm a few behind)

I know I'll be working on other things, too, but right now I can't think of them. I was really, really sick yesterday but am on the mend, a bit sore but able to eat a little bit is a drowzy day for me, but I'll be up at at 'em in a day or so.

May this year be one of enjoying the process of using up more of our stash. I hear QOV need quilts for women that are more feminine.....just something for you to think about.


Comments (48)

  • msmeow
    12 years ago

    Aw, Sharon, I'm sorry to hear you were so sick! Glad you're feeling better now.

    My Jan. goals:

    1. I just finished quilting my huge quilt; now I need to do some embellishing and put on the 11+ yards of binding.

    2. Getting close to finishing Quiltville's mystery quilt from 2010, so finishing the top would be great!

    3. I'm signed up for a Quilt U class that starts on the 14th, but we're going to be out of town that weekend, so I'll have to catch up!

    I guess that's plenty for this month.


  • K8Orlando
    12 years ago

    Take care of yourself, Sharon, and don't push it too hard!

    January goals...
    1. Get blocks chosen and made for the next couple lottos so I can get those posted
    2. Clean the sewing room! During the Holidays it became the stash room and the mess is horrible. This is more than a one day project!
    3. Finally quilt the poppies wallhanging that I wanted to have done by Dec 17th.
    4. Make an Alaska/Northern Lights themed fabric bowl to take to my brother in Atlanta when we visit there at the end of January. We're working on an Alaska trip, so this will be a fun reminder.


  • Related Discussions

    Feb 2012 Quilting/Sewing Goals


    Comments (34)
    Update: I just sewed the binding on the front of a wall hanging I finished hand quilting last night. So that should be an easy one to finish this month (maybe even tonight!):) - DONE! Keep working on my Quilt U class project. Class has 2 more lessons. - DONE! Will post a pic in a separate thread. Quilt a baby quilt for someone on another quilting list. The top and backing have already been sent to me, I just have to quilt and bind it. - DONE! On its way to Calif., should be there tomorrow or Tues. FINALLY finish my big living room's really close! - my only MARCH goal! LOL Donna
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    April 2012 Quilting/Sewing Goals


    Comments (29)
    Donna, your quilt is beautiful! It gives me hope that someday I'll work on my applique quilt again. This was my April list: 2 mini quilts for the guild done 1 small quilt to go with the black teddy bear done Finish the 'Fun & Done' picnic quilt by 14th! - about 1/2 done Finish and post the Aug & Sept lotto blocks - not at all done (Maybe) Finish the blue stars lap quilt - maybe not I did a lot of quilting this month but most of it involved the mini quilts. I think it's time for me to move back to my other projects for a while. Let's see what happens in May! Kate
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    August, 2012 Quilting/Sewing Goals


    Comments (22)
    Well, I finished the flannel log cabin quilt, also finished the mini. I am now working on "The Evil One", (bordered diamonds). I have only 2 more rows to sew together, if that goes well I will be hootin' and hollerin'. Today one of the large springs in the garage door broke, can't open it, the car is in the garage, can't go anywhere until they come tomorrow to fix it, almost $200 - two weeks ago it was a new washing machine, earlier this year it was a new air conditioner. Anyone want to buy a bordered diamonds quilt for $2000?? LOL!!
    ...See More

    October, 2012 Quilting/Sewing Goals


    Comments (53)
    Wow Theresa, those are beauties! Donna, With all you had going on this month, I think you did well in getting done what you did. Sandra, You must be close to finishing the quilting on your Grandma's quilt by now. You sure get a lot done. Kate, When you get all set up, maybe I could go over and you can teach me how to FM. TG/Linda, Hope you have your wits by now (I'm sure you do) and have come up with a plan for the wedding blocks. I really don't think it will matter later on about those blocks that have writing all over them. Try to look at it as being a reminder of those people and that day for the bride and groom. It's the last day of October and tomorrow starts a new month. Not sure what all I'll get sewn today, but I've pretty much decided to put all these quilts I'm working on away and just concentrate on one or 2 (or 3) for November. SharonG/FL
    ...See More
  • lindaoh_gw
    12 years ago

    Sorry to hear you are sick Sharon. Hope you're feeling better now.
    My goals for January are:

    1. Make baby quilt for expected grandson. The baby shower will be Feb. 4.

    2. Make the "Serendipity" quilt from a jelly roll.

    3. Start a small quilt from 2 charm packs.

    4. Load table runner on quilt frame and quilt.

    I will lucky if I finish all the above but will have to make the baby quilt this month.

    Linda OH

  • User
    12 years ago

    Sharon hope you get to feeling better soon.

    My January 2012 goals are:

    1. Design/sew/applique/and hand quilt a baby quilt for niece who is expecting beginning of March. Going to use my Great Grandma Ina's leaf motif pattern with deer in the meadows scene fabric - my niece's hubby loves to hunt so I think they will really enjoy this non-traditional quilt. Have been debating on whether to add to small loops on the back of it so it can be used as a wall-hanging later on.

    2. Get some crocheting done on my son's ripple aka zig zag afgan. I have about a foot of it completed so far in length.

    3. Kate I can so relate to needing to clean the sewing room! I need to reorganize my sewing cabinets so they can hold more stuff and so I can inventory what I do have. And maybe if I can get more organized maybe that will allow more time for me to do some lotto quilt blocks; I'd really like to do some of those this year.

    4. Make a towel batting quilt for my friends' new puppy. This may turn into a February project.

    If I get nothing else done, I need to definitely finish the baby quilt in the next 3 to 4 weeks.

    Best to you and Happy New Year!!!,

  • cannahavana
    12 years ago

    1. My DD and I are both going to make the 1600" jellyroll quilt this week.

    2. Work on UFO's

    3. Start a new knitting project. Set sleeves in the current one.

    4. Lose 5 pounds, hopefully with the help of an Android app called MyFitnessPal calorie counter and increase exercise.


  • User
    12 years ago

    My meager goal (as usual) is to finish this quilt for my aunt that I've had such a time with. Then I have a finished top that I can sandwich and quilt. After that, I did see a quilt on Fons & Porter last week that I fell in love with, Stars and Crosses, but I would have to track down the pattern first. I also need to get the new Ott-Lite with magnifier out of the box and test it out. The sewing room could use a dusting and vacuuming, also - UGHH!

  • day2day
    12 years ago

    Here are my plans for the month of January.

    1. Sandwich and quilt my 'Forest Bricks' top, pattern from www.
    2. Sandwich and quilt a second top...probably one I've called 'Tie One On'. I named it after the fabric I used in the main part of the top.

    Sharon, thanks for starting this thread.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Forest Bricks

  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    I am feeling so much better today.....Thank you, Lord! In fact, so much better that I sewed a Jelly Roll of 20 strips together while watching the Parade. After napping a bit, I went through some containers and found 15 sets of blocks that can be made into tops and have 12 quilt tops to either put borders on or need to be sandwiched and quilted. I have my work cut out for me this year!

    I received a 20 strip Jelly Roll of oranges, limes and lemons for Christmas so decided to try it with the 1600" quilt technique. If I make another one, I want to make sure the strips are all different. I'm sure those strips seek and search for their partner and there's nothing that can be done about it using this pattern. I love the colors but with only 20 strips, will need to put a border on it.

    I like the Forest Bricks, Geraldine. Too bad I don't need another UFO. @:(


  • magothyrivergirl
    12 years ago

    Sharon, I hope you feel even better today!

    My goals for January are some of the same ones I had for Nov and then some. I set unrealistic goals......

    Clean up my sewing room / office. It is a mountain of crab, snoglobe and wine themed fabrics - all of which I am sick of looking at!

    Finish the Comfort quilt & send to the Lady - I still need to buy the backing. I have begun sewing the rows together.

    Bind the Goodbye Irene 1600/JR quilt for us.

    Press & sew the 3 sections of the King size 1600/JR. It is a pain to press the wide sections - but it must be done!

    Make a block or 3 for the Jan Lotto.

    My Guild is trying to Donate 60 Boy quilts - started/completed in a Row Robin system. I agreed to do a row - but I am going to start my own row with my own fabric.

    I also need to clean up the area where my frame is set up before I can quilt anymore tops - I want to get a few quilted this month.

    Sharon ~ I am interested in how the 20 strips turned out - size and post a pic please. Do we call it an 800/JR?? Might be a good idea as a center for a quilt with a fabulous border?

    I have too much to do and to little time......

  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Still on the mend and not even interested in the candy that's still around from the holidays......rice, toast, applesauce.....yum! The wind was horrendous last night and sounded like a real winter blizzard with it's howling. Unfortunately, the leaves in the yard didn't blow away, but the front porch is clear. @:) Forecasting a low of 18* tonight.....brrrrrr

    Marsha, The 20 strips ended up being 32" x 47" and, instead of the next to last fold-over, I cut it in thirds so it wouldn't be too narrow. I can see doing this with a few more strips or maybe a bunch of FQ strips. I found some 4" x 22" strips of Christmas fabric a few weeks ago (I had received them when into swapping) and sewed them together with this technique but straight stitched the strips together. It actually turned out 'not too bad' and won't need a border.

    Happy quilting everyone.....


  • msmeow
    12 years ago

    Sharon, we've had howling wind over in Orlando, too. I don't think our low tonight is supposed to be that bad, but it is supposed to freeze.

    I noticed the leaves in our yard & driveway didn't blow away, either! Or maybe it's a different set from down the street. :)


  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Funny, Donna. LOL

  • K8Orlando
    12 years ago

    Donna, I think those are my leaves. No need to return them though, as I have a new set too!


  • cziga
    12 years ago

    I'm actually feeling all quilted out from a major pre-Christmas holiday rush (although I did finish everything that I wanted to in time to give as gifts). I'm also still trying to catch up on everything from the Christmas holidays and I feel like a bit of a refresher break is in order.

    I do want to get back into doing the Block Lotto so will probably try to get several blocks made for that.

    I think I'm mostly going to plan and think this month, lol! I want to make another I Spy quilt this year, but not sure what style yet. Something a little different I think. So planning is required.

    I usually only have time for 1 or 2 major projects in a year, so I need to think about which ones I'm going to tackle. I'm thinking about using my birthday Blocks from the past two years and making them into a bedroom set - a bed quilt, a couple pillows, maybe a short table runner for the dresser ... for the guest bedroom.

    And I'm looking for some new ideas to try this year ...
    But yes, mostly quiet planning for me this month!

  • msmeow
    12 years ago

    Woohoo! My Roll, Roll Cotton Boll top is finally finished! I added 2 extra borders to make it big enough to be a bedspread for our king size bed. It's 95 X 109. Photo shows half...I don't have anywhere big enough to hang it or spread it out to take a picture! :)


  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    WOWZERS, Donna!!! You must be so excited to get this beauty completed!! Awesome job!!!!


  • calliope
    12 years ago

    I am so close to finishing up the quilt I have on the floor frame, but know enough to take a break when it gets too tedious. My right thumb was throbbing and still is, so cranked out a denim quilt and am now assembling one with row upon row of HSTs in a light/dark pattern.

    I bought a new heavy-duty sewing machine the end of November and had to return it yesterday. The top thread was not clearing the bobbin chase with each stitch and would work awhile and when you started getting up to speed chain sewing would catch suddenly. They do a return in 90 days instead of having to send the machine in to get repaired and I vowed to give it a run for its money in that timeframe figuring it it had issues they'd show up. They did.

    My goals? Not to buy one more iota of fabric until I use my stash down. LOL. I have three sibling cousins I want to make each a quilt. My bucket list includes a quilt for all my significant others. Then I want to start on my all wool quilt. I've hoarded the fabric for it for thirty years and it's still pristine, locked away in a cedar chest. I have already finished one quilt, nearly finished a second, and am well on my way to assembling the blocks to the third. Four more quilts will make seven in one year and that is plenty ambitious.

  • User
    12 years ago

    Donna, great quilt, so many triangles! Calliope, I make that goal statement every year, to use my stash and not buy. And the prices nowadays are nearly to the point where that is feasible, but every once in awhile I break that promise if I'm anywhere near the vicinity of new fabric. But with the price of gas and living in a rural area, this doesn't happen very often.

  • tuppermom
    12 years ago

    Beautiful quilt Donna. I downloaded all of the clues for Roll, Roll Cotton Boll, but have not even started cutting.

    My January goals are:

    1. To get 15 blocks made for my Sylvia's Bridal Sampler
    2. Make the birthday blocks for Feb and March
    3. Keep up to date on my guild BOMs....we introduce a block each month but the draws are all done at our annual meeting in June. I am usually scrambling in June to get them made.
    4. Complete one UFO. I have tops that need quilting, projects in pieces, etc so will pick one and finish it.

    Lofty goals but now that they are committed to "paper" I have something to cross off!


  • magothyrivergirl
    12 years ago

    The only thing I have accomplished quilting - wise is I did finish the top for the comfort quilt last weekend and got it quilted with large meander and "The Ribbon". It looks good. But - that's it!
    It has been one of those take one step forward - two back kinda week. Nothing earth shattering, just very little progress this whole entire week!

    Donna, your mystery quilt is the prettiest I have seen. I love your colors! You are so dedicated to keep up with all her tiny pieces. How are you going to quilt it?

  • User
    12 years ago

    Got the quilt that would never end ended and mailed! I made it for an Aunt in WV, she is a professional seamstress (works in a drapery manufacturer that makes high-quality drapes for government offices, hospitals, hotels, etc.) I explained to her the problems I had trying to get it finished, knowing that her expert eye would catch the tiniest flaw. She received it and called me yesterday, almost had me crying explaining what it meant to her. You see, I had used one of my mother's embroidery blocks in the very center of it, who passed away in '91. Started quilting the top (Chinese Coins) that I talked about previously on Wednesday, using the Serpentine stitch that I posted about and it is just rocketing along!! This will go to another Aunt in NC. After that I am free and clear and looking forward to the next project. Sharon, you mentioned that you live only 20 miles north of me, I gathered that you were in Florida from previous posts, but didn't realize how close you were. You must live up near Inverness or thereabouts? There is a Viking shop up there, I need to take my machine in, it's over-due for a check-up. The last time I drove up that way, it was early Spring, what a beautiful drive it was! I think I will hold off a couple of months, that area around the Withlacootchee River parks is just beautiful.

  • K8Orlando
    12 years ago

    There are so many of us in Florida, we should all get together for lunch and maybe a visit to a quilt shop!

  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Rita, I'm in Crystal River......close to the mall. I plan to be here at least until the end of May. @:)


  • User
    12 years ago

    Is the quilt shop there in Crystal River worth the drive? We have one here but it's pretty small, nice but small. There is one in Dunedin that I would use the gas money on, Rainbow's End. I haven't made the journey for over 6 years, so don't know if it is the same but when I walked into that one my tongue fell out of my mouth and rolled out the back door.

  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Kate, Good idea!!! Somewhere in the middle....wherever that would be. lol

    Rita, Tomorrow's Treasures is a good sized shop (DQ is almost across the road from them) with lots to look at. I could spend all day in there and still not see everything! I love looking at all the notions and there is a sale room in the back.....usually 40% to 50% off. They also have a store in Ocala but I've never been to it. Have you been to Quilt til You Wilt in Hudson? I haven't but because they're a chapter for Quilt for Kids, thought I would venture down there and pick up some fabric sometime.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Quilt til You Wilt

  • K8Orlando
    12 years ago

    Mid month report:

    January goals...
    1. Get blocks chosen and made for the next couple lottos so I can get those posted DONE!
    2. Clean the sewing room! During the Holidays it became the stash room and the mess is horrible. This is more than a one day project! It took all weekend but it's DONE!
    3. Finally quilt the poppies wallhanging that I wanted to have done by Dec 17th. Why oh why can't I make myself get started on this quilting? I'm so afraid I'm going to mess it up!
    4. Make an Alaska/Northern Lights themed fabric bowl to take to my brother in Atlanta when we visit there at the end of January. We're working on an Alaska trip, so this will be a fun reminder. This is next on the list; I have to finish it before the 25th.


  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Kate, Good job in completing what you have!!!

    I have the Twister Wreath wallhanging sandwiched and that's about all I've done except sew some tumbler blocks together. I'm on 2 kinds of antibiotics and doze off and on all day......not much gets done......sigh.....


  • rosajoe_gw
    12 years ago

    Glad you are better Sharon!! My sister has been sick since Thanksgiving and it just keeps coming back!

    I was so busy with the blood drive that I haven't done much else. It was yesterday, YEAH, now I can quilt!!!

    I have the pattern Donna and yours is gorgeous!!

    My sewing room is such a mess too. I was pulling out Christmas fabric and I need to straighten the closet and corral the dust bunnies.

    I plan to play with the Christmas tree quilt and start planning a baby quilt. The shower is next week, but it's a second cousin so I'll just give it to them when the baby is born.

  • susan_on
    12 years ago

    Good job, Kate!

    In December I got my sewing/craft room cleaned and organized, I only have one more small task to complete. I always cut up old flannel sheets and edge them for cleaning cloths, that's what I like for cleaning more than anything else. Anyway, I still have a few left to finish, and I won't start my project until they're all done. So this week I'm going to finish those cloths, and then start a lap quilt I'm working on for someone.

    I did get asked to do a tiered cake for a birthday on Friday, so that's going to take up some of my time... but I'm determined to start this week. Starting is always my problem. Once I start, I get the quilt top done, no problem. The next issue is getting it quilted. I'm so inexperienced and insecure about doing a good quilting job.

  • msmeow
    12 years ago

    For my mid-month checkup:

    1. Still need to embellish and bind the big quilt. I think it may end up being a Feb. goal!

    2. Roll, Roll top is finally done!

    3. Work on my QU class project...lesson one was Friday. It's 5 or 6 lessons and runs through most of Feb., so that will be a Feb. goal, too.


  • tuppermom
    12 years ago

    So far have 6 blocks done on my Sylvia's Bridal Sampler.

    I had better get to work...


  • msmeow
    12 years ago

    Here's my first quilt from the class. It's a collage of a flower called Indian blanket. My main project is going to be a pale pink orchid.


  • magothyrivergirl
    12 years ago

    I'm doing good - but some of these these go back to Nov :)

    My goals for January are some of the same ones I had for Nov and then some. I set unrealistic goals......

    **Still needs work**Clean up my sewing room / office. It is a mountain of crab, snoglobe and wine themed fabrics - all of which I am sick of looking at!

    **Done & mailed**Finish the Comfort quilt & send to the Lady - I still need to buy the backing. I have begun sewing the rows together.

    **Done - I need to bury some knots & wash** Bind the Goodbye Irene 1600/JR quilt for us.

    ** Not done-maybe this week**Press & sew the 3 sections of the King size 1600/JR. It is a pain to press the wide sections - but it must be done!

    **Done & I made Feb blocks also!**Make a block or 3 for the Jan Lotto.

    ** Done** My Guild is trying to Donate 60 Boy quilts - started/completed in a Row Robin system. I agreed to do a row - but I am going to start my own row with my own fabric.

    ** Not done - it is in the basement rec room & it is cold-yes, I have heat, but that's my excuse!**I also need to clean up the area where my frame is set up before I can quilt anymore tops - I want to get a few quilted this month.

    Pic of the Row for Donation:
    I used Darth Vader pillow panel Kay sent me & some of the scraps from Teresa - the black & yellow is my fabric.
    Good for a teenage boy.

  • User
    12 years ago

    All my goals except for one have been reached! I finished the quilt for my Aunt and got it mailed. I finished another one for another Aunt this past weekend and it will be mailed hopefully today. I've dusted and vacuumed the sewing room, gotten the new Ott-Lite assembled and plugged in. The only other goal I made and haven't accomplished was to track down a particular pattern for a new quilt, that might have to be dropped. I'm in the searching for a new project phase right now, need to spend some quality time with the internet and back issues of quilt magazines. I have some new fabrics bought with Christmas money that are pre-washed and waiting, calling, calling...

  • User
    12 years ago

    I think I've found the next project. I've noticed in some back issues of quilt magazines and online a quilt called "Bordered Diamonds" designed by Kaffe Fassett. It is just amazing. I'm sure the biggest impact is his fabrics, although I can't afford to go out and buy his fabrics, don't even know where to get them, I do have a lot of colorful scraps in my stash. They aren't as brilliant as his fabrics but they will have to do. My next task is to figure out the easiest way to do the borders around each diamond, which looks extremely tedious, might do a small project first before committing to a large quilt.

  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Rita, Check out these pictures from a class that was given. I think you'll find it easier than it appears.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Bordered Diamonds

  • K8Orlando
    12 years ago

    Rita, there are some Kaffe fabrics on sale right now at Hancocks of Paducah!

  • K8Orlando
    12 years ago

    And has several Kaffe prints too! I have a couple of his jelly rolls but haven't finished a quilt with them yet. LOVE the colors!!!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Kaffe Fassett fabrics on sale

  • User
    12 years ago

    Whoah! Looks like we have some Kaffe fans here! Thanks for the links, now I have to go out and buy a winning lotto ticket! It also appears that the diamonds are bordered separately each and every one, I was hoping there would be a simple way of strip-sewing but that would limit how many different colors to use unless I used only one color for the border around them all.

  • day2day
    12 years ago

    Just a quick note and update.

    1. Sandwich and quilt my 'Forest Bricks' top, pattern from www. DONE!!!
    2. Sandwich and quilt a second top...probably one I've called 'Tie One On'. I named it after the fabric I used in the main part of the top. DONE!!

    NEW...Started a sampler quilt. Some pieces cut.
    Looking forward to starting the blocks.

    Seems like many of us are making good progress.
    Keep it up!
    Will check back later this weekend.


  • geezerfolks_SharonG_FL
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    If we count today, we have three more days to work on our goals for this month. So, chop chop looks like most of you have been chopping all month so I'm the one that needs to get a move on!

    1. Border on Jewels (first border is on and the second border is ready and waiting)

    2. Finish Twister Wreath (has been sandwiched)

    3. Make 3 BOM blocks (haven't even looked at them)

    I want to make some changes in my sewing area so I can set up another with dark thread and one with light thread......Lazy? maybe, but I think it would be easier to just sit down and work on various projects.


  • tuppermom
    12 years ago

    I have finished up 2 quilt tops....just waiting to hear when I can get on the longarm to get them quilted.

    I have 10 of 15 blocks done for Sylvia's Bridal more is cut out and ready to sew. Just 4 more to sew to meet my Jan goal.

    One birthday block done and am picking up fabric this afternoon for the other one. It's an easy block so should not be a problem to complete this.

    And last but not least....I have not even looked at the guild BOM blocks. I guess this goal will get moved forward to Feb!

    Congratulations to all who met their goals this month!


  • nannykins
    12 years ago

    I did not make specific goals at the beginning of the month. I get upset with myself when I don't finish them.
    However, I have made three tops. lap sized, and have done 15 blocks for upcoming Lottos.
    Today I hope to continue on another lap quilt. Almost finished.
    Now they all sit waiting to be sandwiched and quilted. That is for another month.

  • magothyrivergirl
    12 years ago

    Yay Theresa! - don't get upset when you don't meet your goals~look at the months that you exceed your expectations - like this month! You Go Girl!

    Sharon - 2 machines with different thread set up in one area sounds efficient & a luxury. Now you have to figure out how to sew on both at the same time.

    Sharon chop - chopped me into sewing together the 3 sections of the King size jelly roll race quilt just now - it only took a few minutes. I worked on pressing all those seams all week - a few minutes at a time to get that part done.
    My unmet goals are cleaning up the sewing & quilting area - Maybe if I break it down into 5 or 10 min segments, it will get done. I need to find a home for my new rulers I bought.

  • lindaoh_gw
    12 years ago

    I have finished 3 of my 4 goals.

    1. Make baby quilt for expected grandson. The baby shower will be Feb. 4. DONE

    2. Make the "Serendipity" quilt from a jelly roll.

    3. Start a small quilt from 2 charm packs. DONE

    4. Load table runner on quilt frame and quilt. DONE

    Instead of the "Serendipity" quilt I made an Itty Bitty Twister quilt. I am waiting for a friend to have time to do the Serendipity with me. We both bought the same fabric and want to work on them at the same time.

    Linda OH

  • msmeow
    12 years ago

    Well, the really big quilt is kind of on the back burner again...maybe next month. But I am keeping up with the Quilt U class! :)


  • day2day
    12 years ago

    Yay!! Looks like most of us made progress in January.

    Many thanks to Sharon and all the others who give us motivation.

    I would like to thank Donna(msmeow) for pointing me to
    Florida Cabin Fever Guild.
    I have decided to do the blocks from their 2011 BOM.
    I have all the block pieces cut, ready to start the piecing.
    I am doing all the blocks in white/black/green.

    I got both my quilt tops FINISHED and the sampler wasn't on my January list so that will be a February goal.

    Keep on pluggin'!!


    Here is a link that might be useful: Florida Cabin Fever Guild BOM

  • cannahavana
    12 years ago

    1. My DD and I are both going to make the 1600" jellyroll quilt this week. (Got mine made, just the top)

    2. Work on UFO's (nope, haven't touched them)

    3. Start a new knitting project. Set sleeves in the current one. (sweater still sleevless. I did knit two scarves)

    4. Lose 5 pounds, hopefully with the help of an Android app called MyFitnessPal calorie counter and increase exercise. (almost made it, lost 3 pounds but have been eating a lot better and exercising)

    I will have to put off any more sewing goals because I broke my bobbin case on Friday. I was working on a quilts for kids top and my bobbin was hopping, so I removed the bobbin case and cleaned around the area good. Did not get the bobbin case seated correctly and when I went back sewing, it jumped out of line and I sewed several holes through it. Then a tip broke off where the needle went through. Went to the dealer and he cannot get one in for 3 weeks. I asked him if it was on a slow boat from China? Oh well, I was hoping to get a lot of sewing done in the next two weeks because I may finally be going back to work.
