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Fridge for tight spot next to wall- single door or french doors?

11 years ago

I had posted this question in the appliances forum, and it was suggested I post it here...

Our fridge is going to be in a corner with a wall to the left of it that extends 48.5 inches out (and then it's the entry doorway to our kitchen). We have a window to the right of where the fridge will go, so are limited on space there as well (35 in). It's not an ideal spot for it, but it allows us to do everything else we wanted to in our layout, so we're compromising. So we're putting a 30" fridge there, and I'm wondering whether we should put in a single door or french doors (want freezer on bottom).

With the single door, if we had the hinges on the left, it would both hit the wall and open into our entryway door. Hinges on the right would work better, but then I'd pretty much have to close the door to put anything on the countertop next to it. Plus, I'm thinking of how right now we stand kind of next to our fridge to open it, so we rarely actually need to open it 90 degrees. If the handle were near the wall, you pretty much have to open the door the whole way in order to get anything out, and then go around the door to put anything down.

With french doors, I worry that we wouldn't be able to open the left door enough to access everything (though we can leave a few inches to the left side, as per manufacturer specifications) and that the left door would hit the wall. But even with those few inches so that I can open doors 90 degrees, might I not be able to pull out drawers?

We want to stay under $2000 for the fridge- preferably closer to $1500.

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