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Toilet controversy. We're all friends here, right?

13 years ago

So I spent my Saturday night with my computer researching toilets for our new master bath addition. Yes, I realize I need to get a life, but since we are all friends here, I am hoping someone can give me some guidance. I have read many toilet reviews on various websites and finally decide on a Toto. After all, every review I have read puts this brand at the top of every list. I decide on the Toto Guenivere comfort height with the "double cyclone" flush. Seems like the best of all worlds. I begin a search for the best price. Of course, just before I decide to hit the "add to cart" button, I see a link from the garden web about 4 links below and can't ignore it. Absolutely horrific reviews on the very toilet I am about to order. Is the Toto double cyclone flush technology the problem? Am I OK with the Toto G-max flush? My husband & I now use separate bathrooms (2 tiny baths in our 1940's home), so I don't have to deal with daily explosions that seem to happen in "his" toilet. Now that we will be sharing what is a good second choice brand of toilet to keep bowl clean-ups to a minimum. The only other brand mentioned in the reviews I read was the Gerber Avalanche. I need to get the straight "poop" on this toilet issue. All opinions welcome!

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