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Ruud gas water heater - possible gas leak in control?

18 years ago

We are building a new home and the water heater is a Ruud Pacemaker/Guardian P2-50F1.

We have a combustible gas leak detector (UEI CD100A) and have used it to check all the gas connections in the home (husband is a PE and trained as a home inspector although he doesn't practice professionally).

Anyway, everything checked out except for one area on the water heater itself - where the shaft of the temperature control knob goes into the housing of the control box, towards the right rear of the knob. Our detector is picking up a very small leak and we can smell a faint odor of gas.

We asked the the plumber to check it and his response was that they've seen this before when a gas detector was used, and according to Ruud, it was volatile compounds used in the manufacture of the control box causing the detector to go off (he did not detect a gas smell himself). He said he soaped it and didn't find a leak - we weren't there to verify he soaped the knob itself heater nor have we done so ourselves (not sure if water on the control box was a good idea).

Seems odd to us - we're thinking of calling Ruud ourselves to ask, but thought we'd check here to see if any of the plumbers that so generously share their expertise and experience on this board might have heard of this.



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