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Cumaru 1x6 decking -) Smart-bit

13 years ago

Decided to rip up my crap PT decking and replace with 1x6 Cumaru. I'm going to face screw with Headcote trim heads (#8). If I get the 2 1/2 inch lengths, is it ok to still use the Smart-Bit predrill w/ countersink which drills to a depth of 1 1/8" (meaning it will go into the PT joists by a bit more than 1/4 of an inch). Most of what I read, here and elsewhere says not to predrill into the joists, which I understand completely.

My hope is if I'm using a 2 1/2" screw it will go very deep into the joist, well past the 1/4" that is pre-drilled and should be ok? I really want to use the smart-bit for this job...

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