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Furniture placement in square living/dining room

12 years ago

Hi folks,

I'm a total newbie here, just came across this great forum! We're moving to a new apartment (a small one in US scale!), and we're having a hard time deciding on the furniture placement and design of our living/dining room.

To go directly to the point, I'm attaching the plan of the apartment (European metrics, sorry! bottom of the picture is direction south, apartment on 2nd floor). Except a piano, almost all the furniture will be new, so we are thinking of both what to purchase (and we're flexible in that) and where to place the furniture. As you see, we have a square space for living+dining room. The large window in the south (opening on the balcony) gives a wonderful view over the green and the lake, and we hope to benefit from it with proper furniture placement. There's also this other window to the east which would be mostly useful for more daylight. So the dilemma is how to choose and place the following furniture in the living/dining room:

1) A piano (1.5m long): As the piano can't be placed by/close to the windows, this can be placed either in the corner on top right of the living room (below the WC), or by the wall opposite to it (left side)

2) dining table (for 6 people, this can also be an expandable 4-seat square table)

3) Sofa (either two, or one L-shaped) + possibly an armchair (if space permits)

4) Small TV table with TV on it (1.3m long maximum): TV can be placed on either side, left or right (TV plug available)

5) A sideboard (~ 1-1.5m long)

So our main problem is the placement of both piano and dining table and choice of the sofa(s), to still keep the living room as large as possible, while having good exposure to the south.

That's about it I guess. Looking forward to your ideas!

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