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Should I buy this lamp?

12 years ago

Some of you have been helping me make decisions on my master bedroom in other threads :)

I spotted this lamp on etsy and I think it is sooooo pretty but trying to figure out if it would work in my room. It is only $35.00 by the way.

My room is freshly painted in BM Palladian Blue and I am soon to put up this wallpaper on the wall behind my bed. (The background of the wallpaper matches the palladian blue and has toile pattern in a subtle goldish color)

My furnitue is dark wood (cherry with almost a mahogany stain). This is the wall that will be wallpapered in above pattern (doing that this weekend!) By the way, the pottery barn swing arm lamps that currently on the wall are coming down...going to try to sell those on ebay...they are pewter and we rather use only antique brass colored metals in the room if need be. (Those lamps were from our previous house)


Here is the lamp in question.. it is blue and white with gold colored fittings. Does the floral pattern clash with the wallpaper? Should I be steering away from lamps like this? My other thought is to go with an off white/antique creamy white kind of lamp base. I realize that if I do get this lamp I will be up for a challenge to find a lamp in similar height and style for hubby's nightstand on the other side of the bed - and his lamp will obviously need to be less feminine and pretty..



I am trying to "think outside of the box" and try not to make everything match perfectly. But on the other hand if this lamp clashes or will compete with the wallpaper, I should just keep hunting.

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