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Water Filtration and Softening Systems

10 years ago

My husband and I just purchased a new home in High Springs, FL, and we need to replace the existing (and very old) water softening system. We had the water tested by three different companies. There is definitely sulfur in the water as the smell is almost unbearable. Other than the smell, we have concerns that the water is not potable and even made my husband sick for over a week. Our main goal is to be able to drink and cook with the water. But we also do not want to have to continuously replace plumbing or water heater elements. Here are the results of the water tests:

Home Depot (Source Kitchen Sink)
TDS - 355ppm
Hardness - 25gpg

Plumbing Now (A local plumbing company) (Source Well)
TDS - 763
Iron - 0

Culligan (Source Well)
Alkalinity - 180
TDS - 975
Nitrates - 0
Turbidity - Yes
Iron - <.5>Sulphur - >2ppm
PH - 7
Hardness - 54gbg
Taste & Odor - Yes
Also noticed a film on top of the water and black residue in the tanks of the toilets. Corrosion on all faucets in the house. Stains in sinks and showers. Possible bacteria in the water from the sulphur.

That being said, we have received 3 quotes from 3 companies. (Home Depot would not give a quote as they deal in Rainsoft equipment and their quote would be higher than the one we received directly from a Rainsoft dealer.)

Rainsoft $3600
Would take existing old Rainsoft equipment as a trade-in and replace it with
-Reverse Osmosis system under the kitchen sink.

Instead of using chlorine to treat the water for sulphur, they will use oxygen.

Culligan $6500
-Culligan CulClear System with Reverse Osmosis under the kitchen sink.

Will use chlorine to first treat for sulphur, then remove chlorine using carbon filtration system. Then will use brine system to soften the water. Will not charge to remove the existing system. Also gives us the option to either purchase and replace the salt and chlorine ourselves, or will deliver them and do the maintenance for us at a minimal charge. Offers a 10yr to a lifetime warranty.

Plumbing Now $2850
Will use something similar to our existing unit. Chlorination system with stenner pump and flow switch, carbon filtering, and brine. We will have to replace the chemicals and salt ourselves. Offers a 2 year warranty. Will use Clack dot matrix parts.

If I understand correctly we absolutely need each of these parts to remove the sulphur and hardness from the water. My questions are:

1. Should we go with an aerator system or a chlorination system? We do have concern that there is bacteria in the water.

2. Which of these companies have the best reputation?

3. What is the average life span of each of these systems? (Rainsoft vs. Culligan vs. Clack) We need something long term.

4. What is the average cost for the type of system that we need?

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