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CRF & Fluids

12 years ago

Had to take our 18 year old kitty in for a blood test, his kidney values have decreased, he is borderline anemic, dehydrated and has a heart murmur. He has also lost weight but is always eating, so they did a thyroid test as well, the results of which we have to wait for. On the positive side, he did not have much protein in his urine, and he is quite lively and happy. I asked them to give him fluids which they did, and we discussed giving him fluids at home, depending on what the results of the thyroid test are (the vet said thyroid problems can make kidney problems worse and the kidney values might improve once the thyroid is being treated IF that is what he has). Anyway, has anyone here done fluids at home and how hard is it? I know there are CRF groups out there, but I don't want to sign up for anything yet. I am feeling kinda overwhelmed with having just lost a kitty and then having one diagnosed as diabetic and just having started with insulin and now likely fluids at home.

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