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cats on different to regulate?

We have a 14 year old cat who eats exclusively the k/d renal health Hills food (wet and dry).

We have now a kitten who eats the "Kitten food" (dry) from Hills.

We have had the kitten for 2 weeks and up till now the older cat was not aware of where the kitten was being fed (basement). And although it has been inconvenient keeping the kitten away from the cats bowl of dry k/d we were managing ie give the older cat a small portion and cover it once he was done eating.

BUT now the cat has discovered where the kitten food is located :(.

As it stands now it will be impossible to control who eats what.

What are some options to keep the cat and kitten eating their proper food given that we are not home during the day (and even if we were it would be problematic).

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