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Adjusting a propane tankless water heater?

18 years ago

Sorry if this is a bit long . . .

Due to frequent power outages where we live, a few years ago I installed a Myson 325 propane tankless water heater in parallel with the electric tank that normally provides our house with hot water. As a back-up system it has been great though it has some quirks that would cause me to not want it as my primary source of heated water.

Anyway, my main problem with it is the external pressure relief valve will start to flow if a hot water tap in the house is only opened just far enough to cause the burner to come on. Obviously the water in the coils is getting too hot under this circumstance (low demand) causing the excess pressure. To compound this problem, when the house tap is then turned off the flow at the pressure relief valve is now great enough to cause the burner to remain lit as the system thinks that a tap is still open somewhere.

I have played around with adjusting the water flow metering valve and the gas thermostat adjustment screw but can't seem to find any settings that solve this problem. I thought the thermostat adjustment would adjust the burner but after tweaking it up and down I couldn't really tell what, if any, changes it was making to the system.

The only way that I can get the pressure relief valve to stop flowing (other than turning off the gas to kill the burner) is to fully open a hot water tap at a garage sink near the heater thus greatly increasing the flow which cools the coils down significantly. Then by abruptly shutting the tap off the burner will shut down.

So, I'm wondering what the solution to this problem is. Would an expansion tank on the hot water side help matters? Do I need a technician? The owners manual isn't the greatest and of couse in the trouble shooting chapter there is no mention of this type of problem.

Advice anyone? Thanks in advance!
