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please tell me if I'm wrong about this one....Kind of Long!

17 years ago

In a nutshell, here is the situation:

I teach where my son attended school. The yrbooks just came out from last year and his professional senior picture is not in it. Instead a dorky one of him is! Granted, he smiled that way, and several of the kids did also, because they knew the professional SENIOR picture would be in the book. This snapsot school picture went on the records/files. Anyhway, I've already put it to him first inquiring WHY and How did this happen? He said he gave the real SR. pic to the yrbook sponsor, was not late, she took it, but for some reason 9 months later, this is what appeared. I realize things can get misplaced on a crowded desk,etc., but my my son is NOT a trouble maker and I'm having a hard time wondering why the yrbook sponsor did not mention to me/or him, "by the way, the deadline is coming and I don't have your picture!" I see her EVERYDAY! As a teacher, I can't imagine doing this to a student without giving them a final "heads up." Anyway, I know she'll say she didn't get it, etc., and I'm sure there was some kind of misplacement, etc., like that, but still.....I'm so upset about it and don't know if I should mention it or just forget it!

Hope this hasn't been too complicated or confusing to understand, just trying to get it out in as short way as I can. To all who had the patience and insight to help me out here, thanks.

And I will NOT be offended if you believe I should just "get over it" and move on. Right now, I'm very stunned! So please, give me some objective thoughts on this one!

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