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Farmers Market Report for Sept 27 2012

11 years ago

After a couple of weeks off due to weather and my broken canopy, I finally was able to be at the FM again. Replacement parts for the canopy arrived and I was pretty proud of my handy work and had the canopy fixed.

At least, so I thought. As I was attempting to set it up another part broke. I knew it was bent and was trying to be careful. After a few &%$#*)(%$!!# words I gave up and just set up without it. I almost went home to do the girly thing and have a good cry. But then I thought about the time I had spent baking and how I would be overly tempted to eat way too much of it. So I put my big girl panties on and stayed.

I was a little late in setting up so I just took a couple of pics and then it got busy.

As you can see our colors are starting to change.

I changed my goodies too. I had Apple Pie Bread, Pumpkin Coffeecake, Caramel Rice Krispie Treats and Apple Cinnamon Rolls, along with my jams. The weather was beautiful and sales were much better than I expected. Apple Pie Bread sold out as did the Apple cinnamon Rolls. I only brought home a couple of the Rice Krispie Treats and one Pumpkin Coffeecake. The Apple Cinnamon Rolls were the big winner.

I had one customer go on and on about the flavor of the cinnamon and he wanted to know what kind it was. When I told him it was Vietnamese Cinnamon from Penzeys he said, "I knew it wasn't grocery store stuff, it smells wonderful."

I had told another customer that the apples were from Kings Orchard (a local place) and had just gone to the farm on Monday to pick them up. He asked, "Really?" and I said yes and that they were Cortlands and that Kings had a booth down at the end of the row. He smiled, bought a couple of rolls and then told me he was from Kings and we chatted a bit more. He owns the orchard and told me that they had just started picking Northern Spys, my favorite variety.

Time to go buy more apples!

I'm going to make another attempt at fixing the canopy again this afternoon. The weather looks pretty good for this week so I'm planning on going Thursday, with or without the canopy. I guess people like my stuff, I had several ask if I would be back this week. All I could say was, "Yes, weather permitting".


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