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What's under there?

14 years ago

K, so I pulled up the metal holding the sheet vinyl flooring down at the top of the basement stairs. (I'm hoping the curious cat will get the early worm, or something like that). Under the new flooring is old sheet vinyl. Under that is 1/4 inch subfloor. I couldn't pry that up to get a good look, but I got a cross section view looking at it sitting on the basement steps. It looks like a thick (1" or so) piece of wood under the 1/4" subfloor, the tongue and groove boards under that. The tongue and groove is parallel to the floor joists, and in the basement looking up there are boadrs going perpendicular to the joists.(I'm guessing that's the original subfloor?) The house is 1916. And idea if the tongue and groove boards are old wood floors, or did they build houses with subfloor going both directions? (sounds dumb, but what do I know?)Also the tongue and groove are going parallel to the other hardwood floors in the rest of the downstairs. (The one area covered is the kitchen). I will try to attach pics so you can get a better look. Thanks for ANY ideas. I love a good mystery!

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