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Question on replacing LR flooring WWYD?

17 years ago

I live in a small house (1123 sq ft total 3 BR, 2 BA). Don't have any pics, so imagine my LR: rectangle 14 ft (vertical sides) by 20 ft (horizontal sides), at the top left the hallway runs to the 2nd and 3rd BRs and 3nd bath like a "7". I have no real foyer. When you open the door, there's just a square area of vinyl (about 3ftX3ft? a hair wider than the front door), and everywhere else is carpet.

So, I am going to replace the carpet (LR and hallway) with laminate (wood look, not tile/stone). Since it's a small space, would it look better to have the laminate everywhere even in front of the door, or should I still have a little area of "foyer" in front of the door different than the wood? The current vinyl is coming out either way as I hate it. So I would either be putting domw some new vinyl, or some kind of tile or possibly some of that lamintate that looks like tile or stone (might be able to find soem leftover on Craigslist and I would need less than a whole box). If it matters, the BR's will keep the carpet. The 2nd bath currently has vinyl, but I am considering changing our to tile as it would give me a chance to practice doing tile (it's a small bath!)

Opinions??? Thanks!

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