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service from BOTH old water heater and tankless water heater ?

12 years ago

Can we have an old style gas water heater (in the attic) AND gas tankless water heater downstairs servicing the same house and gradually phasing out the fixtures (room by room) with end result of eliminating the old gas water heater after remodel complete? ( 3 phases = remodeling hall bath including washer/dryer, then master bath and finally kitchen)

This post has helped me realize that my main desire is to try to do this in phases rather than one job (which I'm sure would be cheaper.) For one reason, the smaller jobs help us evaluate the contractor and decide whether we want to continue using him (he gets to evaluate too). It also helps us keep from having so many "change orders" before job is done as we learn more about our 77 year old house (with pier and beam foundation).

background: I think we are committed to going forward because we LOVE our neighborhood but neighboring homes are old like ours so besides prices being quite high though footprints are small (in center of major metro area), we are afraid we would buy another old home that was in worse shape than ours and would still need to do work.

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