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The Perfect To-Do List:Any Suggestions For Making One That Works?

17 years ago

Help! I need a to-do list that will facilitate progress in just about every area of my life. I am drowning in several areas: beginning of the school year paper flood; projects associated with school, like fund-raising; getting vehicles inspected/maintained; gardening work, like repairing the leaking sprinkler. Work like this, like most of us have to do in order to keep moving forward productively.

Also, I'm hoping to start a bathroom renovation this fall, but I simply don't have lots and lots of time to research and shop around to plan and remodel the master bathroom (I had about a year to plan the kitchen reno and another six or eight months to do the work. It took far longer than I really did have time/energy for, however, and I can't do that again, nor do I think I need to with a bathroom). Other things I must do are the usual de-junking that I eternally fall behind on, the management of the activities of my seven children, the college application process for my oldest, an Eagle project for my second oldest, maintaining our home, the development of a menu/shopping system, balancing a check book and finally, squeezing in the construction of four dollhouses that my daughters and I are building. I am somehow able to exercise every day with either my best friend or DH (which is a miracle that was a long time in coming). I try to do Flylady, but it's an uphill climb with a large family and a husband who travels extensively.

In short, I need a system that I can use in my Flylady control journal, so it needs to be one paper (but I can create the document or download a copy of another system). I need a way to refine the things that I need to do: some are projects or long term processes that need to be broken down into sub-tasks and deadlines, others are short "just do it" things that just don't get done.

I'd love to hear the suggestions people who've conquered the to-do list battle. Things that don't work for me include:

1. Jars with things to do written on pieces of paper.

2. Trying to remember things that I just don't really care about but still must be done.

3. Elaborate systems that require a lot of time to use each day or each week.

4. Expensive planners because I'm too cheap to buy them.

5. Delegating most of these projects because everyone in my family is busy too.

I do recognize that change takes baby steps. I'm willing to start simple, I just need to catch things that are falling through the cracks as I get deeper and deeper into the year. Not to mention Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Any helpful comments, on what works for you or what doesn't work, are helpful. All I want is control and the peace that comes from having things in order. Have a great day and thank you for your replies.

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