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How do you like your marble countertops?

13 years ago

We have built a new addition kitchen on our 1840 house. While I'm not necessarily going for a period kitchen I am trying to respect the history of our home. We are going for an unfitted look with open shelves, wide plank pine flooring, v-groove and beamed ceiling and reproduction jam cupboard. Our cabinets will be painted with BM Cloud White and the walls probably with Farrow and Ball Old White.

This is my dilemma. I want wood countertops with marble somewhere. I originally thought I would go with a marble island (freestanding pine work island table in black) and wood perimeters. Most people however show marble perimeters and wood islands. The suppliers I have seen all suggest, actually insist we don't use marble for various reasons. In fact most want me to sign a waiver saying that I was warned. I know all about the risks but they are scaring me off. I also got a very good quote to do all surfaces in carrara marble. I understand that this is more likely to stain etc. I would love calcatta but am not sure I can afford it. So.....if you have marble, do you like it? Does it drive you crazy and what surfaces have you done?

I really value your comments. Thanks!

P.S I know there are granites out there that are marble like (moon white, white princess, alaskan white) but they are very hard to find where I am located. There is quartz as well but it is well beyond my budget. Any other suggestions?

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