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Too much for wicker?

15 years ago

Without knowing how sturdy these are, would you say this is a reasonable price for a rocker? That's $40 *each*, not the pair. Of course more than the $25 I paid for the settee at GW. Here's a pic of the settee - which rocker should I buy - or both, none? I also have a white wooden rocker and a double oak (stained) rocker, so maybe I should just look for a wicker chair (or 2?) and a table? Should the wicker match as closely as possible or can I mix the more open-weave pieces with tighter ones?

Sorry I didn't take a closeup before putting it in the basement.

Here is a link that might be useful: Wicker rockers

Comments (31)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If they're in good condition, they're a steal! Have you looked at the price of new wicker? Yikes!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No, I haven't looked at new wicker b/c the good brands are $1000's per set, and/or made of resin.

    So, while I'm waiting for seller to get back to me (if she ever does), would you cluster the wicker on one end of the porch and the wood on the other or mix it up? Sorry, I had a thread asking that, people said you can mix but now I'm looking for arrangement help with these specific pieces. The settee would be the only non-rocker, and someone said he liked it in this corner best. That happens to be the corner where DH and I like to hang out with our coffee in the summer mornings, since we've only had the double rocker til recently that's what was there. Assuming I can make a comfy cushion for the settee, would you suggest putting all the wicker with a table where that big plastic outlet cover is on this end of the porch (above)? Wooden (stained rocker on the other end, maybe move the white wood rocker away from the door to face it (that could be our corn-husking corner LOL!)?


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  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd jump on those! They aren't the usual big box store "wicker"; they look well-made. I think I'd like a mix on your farmhouse porch for a collected look.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was just wondering if it would be "rocker overload" LOL and I should throw some chairs in the mix? I do like the mix of the open-weave and the closed, it does make it look "collected" over time. Worn is good too :-)

    The stained rocker might be odd looking, though I'll wait until I get tables (I have some wood - maple?- tables I'm thinking of using) to see if I should paint all the wood white.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    As a point of reference, here is one from Pier One that looks similar to the one on the left. List price is $170, possibly bought for half price $85.

    If they are sturdy and the cats haven't been using them as scratching posts, then $40 each seems like a good price, especially with the pillow included.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Pier One wicker rocker

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't think it's "rocker overload." Rockers are always the choice seat on a porch, so the more the better! I had another thought, though. I don't know how exposed to weather your porch is, but real wicker doesn't do well outside. I've never had it outdoors; our sunroom wicker is upholstered so it can't go outside. Maybe others here can chime in on their success with real wicker on porches. The chair Graywings posted is resin so it's shown as outdoor.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, she emailed me and I emailed her back I was looking for real wicker - which all these pieces are. That corner does get wet and sun, so might be better on the other end which is sheltered by the garage. I had been thinking of putting up curtains on the railing end of the porch (at least until the lilacs grow tall enough to shade it).

    We take the porch furniture (except my $10 painted rocker) in for the winter (date depends on weather), don't put it out til Memorial Day, though June was so rainy ths year I don't think we put our oak rocker out til the 4th of July. I know, this is weird since we have vinyl siding and a Trex deck, but I just don't like the resin furniture, wanted something more old-fashioned, and even welcome some weathering. I just want outdoor fabric/padding b/c I can't stand mildewed cushions - used to bring the ones from the wrought iron furniture in every time it rained.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, she says she's got a chair too - don't know if I should get all 3 pieces? I told her I might be interested in chair instead of 1 of the rockers, esp. if it matches the other rocker. What do you think?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The one with the diamond pattern is a "yes" and a matching chair would be my pick. :0) Cute look!!!!!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Some of the prettiest porches I've seen which are long like your's they have their wicker all in a row. I'd grab the chair too. It doesn't matter if they match or not, IMO.

    You could put one chair or rocker by itself at the right corner of the porch as a special sitting area. Why would you want curtains there? Wouldn't you lose the view?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love them all and would buy them all. I'd spray paint the darker one to white and I'd make a setting of the two rockers with a table and then the settee with a chair. Throw down a nice outdoor rug and you're good to go. Lovely home !

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would put at least two pieces to each side. You don't want one alone - you want seating areas for easy conversation. Or a corn husking area! (Corn husking will be much more pleasant on the front porch with the view LOL.)

    Is there some reason you don't want resin? You can get some really good quality resin coated wicker that is much better to have outside. I have some dark green resin pieces that are over 10 years old, have held up great. Real, old wicker is wood and does not always hold up well outside. I have a (very) old wicker chair handed down through my dad's family - it stays inside.

    I would consider some other pieces in with the rockers, such as a couple of regular (wicker) chairs.

    I like the patio/porch curtains, but honestly, I'm not seeing them on your porch. JMO.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd reconsider using real wicker in an area where it's so exposed to the elements. I know you want cheap, but don't expect it to last long if that's what you choose. I have a couple wicker rockers on the screened porch, but they're protected from the rain.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, she keeps pulling more stuff out - she says the other "chair" is a rocker too, and oh BTW, she has a small loveseat buried in the basement if I want to look at it she can dig it out. But I'm running late, was supposed to be there 3pm! Quick, how much do I want and do I just want all the matching pieces?

    nicole - I like the diamond pattern, goes better with the settee I already have, but that other one is really cute too.

    Sigh, I know you're all right about resin but if I can get real wicker cheap, how long can I expect it to last if we only put it out in the summer and try to keep it from getting wet (but not putting it at the end/edge of the porch)?

    oakley - the view is more to the front corner, not at the very end, so we'd just be blocking southern sun and not much else with curtains.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, I hope I didn't pay too much. I'm a pushover. I got both rockers from the ad (but the runners come off so I can convert to chairs), *plus* the loveseat for $120. DH wasn't happy, but the loveseat is smaller and more solid than the GW one - I fgured I could always resell if needed. She had pulled it out of the basement, had it in front of the rockers, so we had to move it out of the (very small) house to get the chairs out. I commented that it was nice, but I'd have to check with DH, I was just concerned that 2 rockers might not fit in Explorer. So she suggested seeing if the LS would fit 1st and then the chairs around it, and they did (taking runners off) so I was kind of stuck. But she has 2 adult sons at home, 1 she said was autistic and didn't speak (though I was thinking CP b/c he shook my hand, didn't shy away from contact). I figured she needed the $.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    awwwwwwwwwwwww.......you got a deal and she probably "did" need the money. You did the right thing......AND.....your in decorating heaven!!!! Those sound like really NICE pieces. Can we see pics? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congratulations! Looks like your porch is big enough to use it all!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We have 20ft to each side of the stairs, so hopefully we can fit it all. DH was *really* not happy about the 2nd loveseat. I do have reservations about fitting the 2 large wicker pieces and the one large wooden rocker. But as I said, then I guess I can sell one.

    The cushions smell like cat pee and look homemade, though the padding is very nice and firm I don't think I can save it. The large rocker with the diamond only had a pillow, not a cushion made to fit. So I guess I'm going to have to make/buy a cushion for it. It's too low otherwise. The 2 settees and the other rockers are fine w/o cushions but might make some to match if I end up making them.

    Here is a closeup of the $25 settee - not in bad shape (legs need rewrapping, needs paint, but fairly sturdy). I threw cushion from our wrought iron chair on it to test size - it could be thicker.

    Here's a pic of the slightly smaller "new" settee sans cushion - could use a little touchup b/c of rubbed/flaking paint, but I don't know, maybe I'll leave it and let it "weather" a bit like the other one. This is *very* sturdy.

    Here's the larger chair/rocker - I think we have to put the runners back on, or get a really thick cushion b/c this is low, even for me. But very nice large man-sized rocker, again sturdy and fairly recently painted. A little issue with the right arm I discovered when I removed the cushion, but doesn't seem to affect strength - as long as my dad doesn't push himself up using the arms. Another reason I need a thick firm cushion on this. BTW, this had been outside (or near a houseplant) b/c it has dried leaves under the cushion.

    And finally my little "lady's" rocker. This has seat and back cushions but they smell a little (as does the seat of the rocker itself - any suggestions?) and are covered with cat hair - she says this one had been in her BR until she bought a "new" chair off CL. How cute is this? I don't really like the wooden beads, but the open design just caught my eye in the ad, and again this is very sturdy and comfy even without a cushion. Lemonade, anyone?

    Oh, and I had originally bought this fabric ($6 for 5 yds) for my mom's sunroom furniture, but now I'm thinking of keeping it for this furntiure. I had also bought some canvas-colored cotton twill (haven't measured it, but it's at least 6yds), so will mix it up a bit. What do you think of the bright red tropical print with my farmhouse though? Use it on the lady's rocker only, and throw pillows for the rest? It's heavy, I haven't tried putting a drop of water on, I don't expect it to be outdoor fabric but it almost seems coated? How can you tell if it's outdoor fabric?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, here's the other rocker she had - it wasn't as sturdy so I passed.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Last rocker

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just for comparison, here's a new listing for small Pier 1 set (settee, chair, ottoman, and a table/large ottoman). $425, and I like the vintage stuff better. Though those cushions are nice...

    Here is a link that might be useful: Pier 1 set

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great buy, "Shelly". I think your wicker would look great painted green. It would give a contrast against your house. I also think your fabric would work. I would use it for seat cushions, and use a stripe or solid for pillows. You're going to create a great outdoor room, and your DH will love it!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    dee - is that your sunroom wicker? Real stuff? It looks real. I think a lot of the resin stuff does too, from far away, I just don't like the plasticky look and feel up close. Very nice pieces - I think I like open work better than closed though with kids the closer-woven stuff is probably better.

    Since the pieces I bought yesterday really don't need a full paint job, I'm going to leave them white until they do. The chairs are glossy white, the settee looks more creamy but I'm not going to paint it just now - too many other projects around this house this year! I may paint the larger settee gloss white, or then again may just sell it if it doesn't all fit on the porch.

    Would you use the print on all the cushions? I thought that might be a little too much, but when the weather gets warm I'll pull the furniture out, clean it up, and take some more pics with the fabric. I'll just keep the twill and the floral, for $18 for (at least) 11 yds it's worth it, someone in my family will use it for something.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No, that's not my furniture; mine is honey-colored. I looked for and found that pic on the internet because I thought painted wicker would look so good on your porch.:)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What about this for cushion on the large rocker and throw pillows? It's outdoor, unfortunately it's $16/yd and only available as panels, not by the yard so I'd have to spend $36-$48. It's Boothbay stripe from Country Curtains, they have panels on clearance but no fabric left (unless I can find a little at the local store). I guess I can also check Calico Corners for remnants of outdoor fabric. I haven't found any better price than $16/yd online.

    Actually, I'm still looking for more of the fabric for my LR curtains, so will be calling (and visiting, if they have it) another Job Lot tomorrow after my mammogram. Any way to tell if something is an outdoor fabric without having info printed on the selvage?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How fun...love the wicker pieces~
    If it were me, I'd prob go more neutral on the fabric but punch it up with pretty pillows. :)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've been looking online for cushions and it seems like all these pieces are smaller than modern furniture so no buying cushions at Walmart end of summer sale. I'll have to make them (don't want to pay big bucks for custom). First step I guess is to try to take the fabric off the old cushions and see if I can salvage the fill. If not, I've been reading poly fill holds less moisture than foam, but I don't think I want to use the loose stuff, I'll have to look for/order the rolled stuff. And use the $2/yd (or cheaper) fabric, try a waterproofing spray. So, spray after I make the cover (probably with Velcro so it's removable), or before? Would waterproofing make the fabric harder to work with?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wish I could find a small piece of that Boothbay stripe fabric, just enough to do the large (tall) rocker and maybe one settee. The twill says 100% polyester on a small sticker on it (from original store/warehouse), so I hope it's OK for outdoors. Better than cotton. But it's soooo blah on the white wicker and I just don't have time to repaint it all this summer.

    I think doing them all in the floral would be overpowering, but how about one settee in twill with the floral throw pillows, and the lady's rocker in floral?

    Or both the rocker and settee in floral on one side of the porch, and the other settee in twill on the other side, with striped pillows and the rocker cushion in a stripe?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You mentioned the smell of cat pee on the cushions. I would not bother trying to salvage any portion of a cushion that has been peed on. Cat urine is one of the hardest smells to get rid of. I would just buy new foam or whatever it is that you choose to make the cushions with.

    I agree with tina61 about the end of porch curtain idea. Give it a try without, I am sure you will like that look much better given that the other end of the porch is closed off by the garage.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you're going to spend that much per yard for fabric, buy the Sunbrella. You can find it for less than $16/yd at fabric outlets and be sure to check online sites.

    LOVE the little rocker with the beads. I think the beads make it so unique!
    For fabric, I'd do the floral, some stripes and some solid. Add some ferns in urns and you're set!

    If you take it in during the winter, you should get a lot of use from it.

    Here is a link that might be useful:

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I decided the red floral was a little too loud, we have a really sunny porch (faces west with open end to south), so I want cool colors. I decided to go with the canvas after all - I have a washed (dropcloth?) soft muslin-like material I got at GW, will add soft green/blue floral pillows and maybe some green/blue/yellow striped pillows to tie in with the house (yellow siding, lots of light green inside). Eventually I may paint/stain the wicker the dark color of my front door.

    While looking for inpsiration pics the last couple days, I found some with trellises at the end of the porch - think that would work here (instead of curtain I was considering) to shade the south end a bit, and disguise the ugly too-high railing? Something open like this (but won't block that much) that looks like a window?

    Or closed like this to block more of the intense sun?

    Maybe even a folding screen? Though a trellis would probably be cheaper.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just found this fabric $4/yd. What do you think? Throw pillows only? The lady's rocker? One or both of the loveseats? Trying to figure out how much to buy...

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