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Home Office layout ideas - please vote

15 years ago

Our current home office is a awful mix of college and inherited desks and bookshelves and industrial metal file cabinets. It is so bad we all end up using the kitchen island instead.

I used the Ikea office planner to work up 6 different layouts. Please let me know what you think.

Also, my wife is afraid the more modern look of Ikea will clash with our colonial house and custom french country kitchen. (but then she has never seen the Ikea stuff in person - only the catalog). Our other furnishings are not modern, but I have not found a more traditional home office set up I like. I'm not ready to invest in custom cabinets either.

The room is the old dining room that was too small (10' x 11') for our family. Our goal is to have a office layout that will fit two people (and ideally room for a kid or two along side you).

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Option 1 - Two Corner desks:

Option 2 - T-shape layout 2:

Option 3 - T-shape Layout 1:

Option 4 - L-shape Layout 1:

Option 5 - Galley Style layout:

Option 6 - U-shaped Layout:

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