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Adding on to 20s Eclectic House, Advice needed!

17 years ago

We got great plans from an architect but I felt a few things needed to be reworked. Do my changes make sense? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Gray boxes in MBR are existing furnishings. The architect's proposal is shown first, my (butchered?) plans are second and third boxes. (click to enlarge floorplans)

Closet in the main part of the MBR exists already but the space is awkward. The plans basically involve adding doors.

The bath exists but also is very awkward and old. Currently you walk through a make shift dressing area to get to the bath. I thought having the water closet closest to the entry made sense.

One the first floor, existing kitchen basically becomes powder room and pantry/laundry room. Kitchen, family room and mudroom are new spaces.

The closet in the bathroom is partially because my husband leaves at 5am and disturbs me! I want it to be private so I can sleep.

Not sure about the kitchen. I changed it to 2 islands, not even sure if that will work. Butler's pantry exists as-is. It has a lot of charm and we don't want to destroy it. We will probably make it into a bar area. Not sure how else it will function.

The dining room exists and we are currently using it as a family room. It is about 14x17, plenty big for us.

The front room is currently one large room, about 15x25. If we break it up the living room will be about 13x15, which is big enough to function as a parlor type room. We would probably do half walls to keep it feeling open, but it would be less awkward than walking right into the space which is what it is now.

It's an arts & crafts/eclectic home with mission and victorian elements, so it's kind of quirky. We want it to function better for our family of 5, but have it maintain some charm.

Yes, there are a lot of doors and doorways. I wantto eliminate some of them so if feels less choppy, but as I said, it's an old house, it wouldn't be very open.

Thanks for your comments.

(cross posted from home decor, where it only got one response. I thought maybe Old Home aficianados might be able to help!)

Here is a link that might be useful: soshh photobucket with floor plans

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