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Pick my flooring....please!

13 years ago

We've decided on a layout for our kitchen remodel (actually, a variant on a suggestion from bostonpam - THANK YOU!)

This layout will likely require that we replace our flooring. My wallet is sad about that, but the rest of me is not. We currently have a beautiful tile, but I detest it anyway. I don't like how cold it is in the winter (I'm in MN). I also hate scrubbing grout (so much grout!) and I hate how hard it is on my feet, dropped dishes, and on my children's bodies when they take a tumble.

I probably will be going with a variant of the OTK. This is a surprise to me, but it's the one style so far that my dh and I agree on, and to me, that outweighs any thoughts of "overdone" or "on the way out."

I want a softer flooring than tile. I want something that is easy to clean (no grout, few or no seams or cracks). I want something that will be durable enough for a busy and frankly messy kitchen. The flooring will also be in our front entryway and dining room.

I spent a few hours reading through posts on the flooring forum and online reviews at other flooring websites. Now I'm afraid of pretty much all flooring. It seems like they all have their own cons (duh!) but I'm stuck.

It seems like either a sheet vinyl or hardwood are my best options. I like the sheet vinyl ease of cleaning best, but I worry that quality sheet vinyl will cost as much as hardwood and still be considered "just vinyl" should we need to resell. Am I being silly to consider this? What would you choose?

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