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Hardwood in my farmhouse - need advice on options (tung oil)-PICS

15 years ago

On slateberry's advice, started a new thread to figure out what my options are with the hardwood in my new (old) farmhouse. His/her thread got me thinking a using Tung Oil instead of the more popular sand/stain/poly method on an 800 sq ft addition that has unfinished pine.

A few random notes:

-The addition is unfinished pine that has been under carpet for 20-30 yrs (see pics).

-Other rooms have the same type of wood (pine, I believe) which was also under the carpet.

-When we pulled the carpet, we found the outside of most of the rooms had some kind of brown paint/stain but the inside where an area rug was previous was unfinished.

I guess my questions are:

-Is tung oil a reasonable option for high/medium traffic? I don't mind the re-coats later on. How does it hold up?

-For unfinished, but dirty, pine is a full sanding needed with a random orbital?

-For the addition, which is newer than the farmhouse, I'm leaning towards Tung Oil. But for the rest of the first floor of the original farmhouse, I'm thinking of a matte or glossy black floor. For a black enamel paint, does the wood need to be sanded to the bare wood?

-The flooring is stained in some areas (dog?), but doesn't bother me too much. Will the tung oil darken the rest of the floor?

-In what order should these be done in?: windows, paint, flooring.

Please pepper me with ideas or photos =] It's almost Spring and I need to figure out what to do.

What else do I need to keep in mind? The only thing that comes to mind is that the Addition is extremely cold and I think I need to replace the windows here and possibly install insulation under the floors. This room sits above an uninsulated garage.

*Addition (pine, unfinished):

p.s. I love that split door. Not sure the proper name =)

*Dining Room (others are similar, so I won't post all the rooms):

*Bedroom 1:

*Bedroom 2:

*Bedroom 3:

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