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Ugh, my before pics of my bath are lost :-(. And, I'm so proud

17 years ago

of the new look. Before, it was dark tan, and I hated the white cabs (still don't like them all that much) and the fixtures, but with a fresh coat of paint a 25.00 and 14.00 Rust/bronzish fake fixture from Home Depot, and a Target ORBish towel rack, my sad little bath has new life. But, my camera crashed --- completely jammed up when I was uploading and my befores are lost forever. Now, when I get a new camera, I can at least take pics of after, and ask for help with the shower curtain!

And, why are there so many different takes on "orb". I wanted a a bronze/brown, but man, so many things I looked at were black with only a touch of bronze, and some looked more like hammered gray. Go figure!

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