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Design Around This #13: French Country

13 years ago

Surely everyone must love French Country? Come on, give it a try! Beginners and the merely curious are especially welcome.

Your concept or mood board should try to be cohesive, contextual and realistic budget wise (given the house).

Give a rationale for why you choose the pieces that you did.

Your design should work in the house you select (a particular challenge with this DAT theme I think).

Accept criticism and please remember to critique others. You don't always have to praise the ideas put forward.

I've pasted a link to the thread "About Design Around This Threads" for further information on getting started, creating boards, etc.

French Country

After reading a few articles on-line and happily flipping through dozens of pages of photos, I think I've learned a few things about French Country.

A few of the themes that most immediately jump out at me: texture, and lots of it. Distressed wood, metal, wrought iron, concrete. Routine use of fabric. Toile. Bright cheerful colours - but many spaces with very white walls, ceilings, tables. Colourful tile. Lots going on with the ceiling - wooden beams, white painted boards, etc. Stone. Antique furnishings. Rustic, weathered surfaces. Inviting, casual. Flowers. Lots of weathered highly textured accessories - pots, spoons, flower pots, bowls. La Cornue ranges (actually, I didn't come across too many of these, but they are gorgeous).

If you go to google images and type "French Country Kitchen" you will get quite a few North American interpretations of French Country. Some lovely, others veering quite close to those Tuscan-American kitchens we looked at some weeks ago. The one thing I found most jarring about the American-French country spaces were how smooth and polished they all are. Perfect, organized, gleaming marble and orderly cabinetry. Everything "just so." This is not what you see typically when you search for real French country kitchens. Go to and through images search for " des cuisines de compagne". Some of the nicest kitchen images link you to French magazines like Cote Maison and Cote Sud, you could spend hours going through pictures.

Here are some pictures to get you in the mood:

Whose kitchen do these tiles remind you of?

And my favourite:

Here is a link that might be useful: About

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