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I'm beginning to panic; too many colors?

16 years ago

I am really stuck. Our kitchen honey-stained cherry cabinets will arrive in about 3 weeks. The floor is in the same color family as the cabinets but lighter. I would like Ocean Green granite which is on the dark side, but not almost black like a lot of the darker greens. I haven't ordered the granite yet.

HereÂs where I am now stuck. My dining room (pics below) has a cranberry color scheme. This room was just done a year ago. The very next room is our den with blues, greens and mauve--done over last Sept. I donÂt know what colors to work into the kitchen with the cherry and green counter. As someone earlier said on this forum about the cabs and green counter--it has a feel of autumn which will not flow with the other two rooms.

My original color scheme was to have green (counter), gold (cabinets) and deep cranberry accents (window treatments, bowls, counter accessories). Am I going in the right direction? In my head I am not comfortable. UGH!!!!

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