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Is this bedding casual or modern??

17 years ago


Looking at organics bedroom got me thinking that it was time for me to redo my bedroom. My walls are painted Behr promenade which I love, but my bedding and window treatments are all a darker green and I really need to brighten this room up.Way too much dark green going on. We really want something elegant but casual. (is that possible?) We don't really care for modern. by the way, my biggest gripe with the comforter I have now it that it is not machine washable and I hate that!

I love the look of this bedding although I don't plan to spend this kind of $$. I really want to use this as my "inspiration"

Comments (29)

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    oops-sorry about the link

    Here is a link that might be useful: bedding

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If I have to choose between those two labels, I would choose casual.

    To save everyone from clicking:

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    Beach style but not too casual style ideas


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    PB has these blue tones that would look nice w/your furniture. I love this look: you need some art, bedding,,,and if possible, redo your headboard that will work w/the wood furniture. what you have now is too traditional looking. Or, keep that headboard and redo it w/diff material, maybe some tufting. plenty of DIY how to's online. Secondly, you have that beautiful tray ceiling that is under utilized. consider new paint colors, and do something w/the tray. you could also do a bead board or shiplap inside the tray, and paint it blue. more neutral tones, if you want that route. (a natural wood headboard in the tray would look great w/this option). look for a rug for under your bed walls white, ceiling blue. or blue tray insert w/white trim and a lighter blue or softer white on the walls.
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  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd call it modern or contemporary.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would also call it contemporary or modern. I love the peaceful bedding with the soothing pretty colors and textures. I love the modern lamp in the picture and the shers beind the bed with teh ivory drapes. I love the rug on the floor that goes so well. I love the night stand.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's contemporary more than modern in my eyes. Very pretty. It could be used in a traditional BR. I pick casual.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How about "cool and transitional" in style? LOL! Perfect summer bedding -- crisp and fresh .....

    Very very nice!

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would call it very pretty.

    The photo has it paired with a modern lamp....

    but truly, I don't know if it falls into any category unless you pair it with very specific accessories.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks everyone. I was hoping it could work with my traditional furnishings. I really love it. Now trying to find a cheaper version will be the trick

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Very pretty and I agree with the casual. It just happens to be in a modern setting in that picture.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I really love it, too. Just beautiful.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    P.S. I think it's much nicer than mine. Plus, it's got nice clean lines. Love all the pillows, too. Just be forewarned, tfm1134: with this style--lots of layers and pillows--it can become very expensive. If you can find a less expensive version of it, however, I say go for it--even if the cost is still somewhat over-the-top and if you can afford it. :)

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Absolutely not modern - modern bed linens either have no pattern or graphic patterns and can have bold colors such as those found at Crate and Barrel, CB2 or Room and Board etc. Here is an example of modern bedlinens from West Elm

    I think this bedding is casual and suitable for a traditional or transitional room but not modern. I adore Barbara Barry's work - but she is not a modern designer. What she does is bring a fresh look to traditional furniture etc.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    organic-no way can I afford this one, but I printed the pic and will be taking it around with me to find a similar look. DH loves bedding that is layered. He hates having just one very thick comforter and I am not sure if I will try to go with as many pillows as the pic shows. My biggest thing about the look is the colors and fabrics. I am looking for light greens, golds and creams.
    sky-thankyou-I am never quite sure what is "modern or contemperary, but I think the furnishings in the pic is what was throwing me off.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am now thinking the bedding is transitional and can go with almost any style by changing the lamps and accessories. I really love that bedding you chose for your inspiration.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Check on ebay: seriously, there are some great deals to be had. That's what I did: just put it together, piece by piece, as the weeks wore on. :)

    lynn: I agree that this is a really versatile and adaptable look.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think I found something for you. Give me a sec. . . .

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Contemporary or transitional sounds right. It's in a modern looking room. Dress casual! :)

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    completely agree with organic, a little patience and monitoring is all it takes (check both ebay auctions and stores, as well as ebay express), lots of new bedding at good prices!

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Organic, I love the 1st link to the beautiful coverlet and if I did not have all my bedding already and if tfm1134 did not want it, I would bid on it. But I have enough bedding right now. But it is sure is nice.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just looked up the definition of modern and this bed has too many pillows to be modern. I really love that bedding so much.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
    Modern vs. Contemporary Bedroom Furniture:
    The term 'Modern', as applied to furniture here, refers mainly to the furniture designs that were created by the Bauhaus School of Design in Germany in the period between the two World Wars. Founded by Walter Gropius, the Bauhaus school pursued innovative designs that were remarkable especially in light of the Baroque style of furnishings that were in vogue at the time - for their clean lines and radically simplified forms, and the emphasis on functionality. The Modern Furniture Designs incorporated materials like steel, glass and plastics, creating an unheard-of feel of visual lightness and space.

    The advent of the Nazis and the outbreak of the Second World War caused many of the Bauhaus designers to leave the country and immigrate to the United States. They brought their modern design concepts in this manner to a new and receptive land, where they were, variously, adapted, assimilated and transformed into further innovative concepts.

    A good example of 'Modern' bedroom furniture is Gustav Hassenpflug's Folding Table. When not in use, the table-top can be folded down to a mere 4 inches. Another great and space-saving furniture piece is the platform bed, originally designed by Mies Van Der Rohe . It has a simple design that looks good in any kind of bedroom and it offers storage space inside, which is a boon if you have a small area.

    When we speak of 'Contemporary' in furniture design, on the other hand, we mean the styles and trends that are current today. Contemporary furniture design can be inspired from modern design, from antique design, from ethnic design, from rustic design, from fine art, from nature, from technology, from just about anything out there; it can blend in a variety of ideas. If you like imaginative and creative bedroom furniture that stretches the conventional and might just border on the eccentric, then contemporary furniture is for you. Contemporary bedroom furniture seeks to extend design boundaries with startling and elegant contours, without sacrificing comfort and functionality. It is sleek, unembellished and can come in muted or bold colors. It comes in different materials recycled steel, aluminum, chrome, glass, wood, faux-wood, and with fabrics like linen, cotton, jute, silk, organic hemp, recycled polyester fabric, wool, natural latex foam and so on but more and more emphasis these days seems to be on staying non-toxic and eco-friendly.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Contemporary Design
    Room by Room : Episode RXR-1608 -- More Projects »

    Figure A
    Shari Hiller offers these tips when considering contemporary decor:
    Contemporary styling is much less fussy than traditional and country styles. More often than not, the designs used in contemporary fabrics and wall coverings are geometric or stylized instead of realistic like a traditional floral might be.
    Frequently, a contemporary space will be mostly neutral and any burst of color in the room is in small accents or artwork (figure A).
    Minimalism applies when it comes to window coverings,1793,HGTV_3512_1399287,00.html
    Contemporary Styling
    Bed & Bath Design : Episode BDE-1007 -- More Projects »
    The new contemporary look in master suites strives for more than clean lines and no fuss: warmth and comfort have become primary goals. Host Joan Kohn joins designer Lori Fitz-Gerald to learn how contemporary decorating has evolved and how to achieve the look.

    Strong geometric shapes in textured finishes define the new contemporary look in bed and baths.

    Color, often dusty in hue, is used unexpectedly, especially in bed linens and wall color.

    The contemporary bed or bath uses strong lines and geometric shapes rather than ornate detail for its style.

    Natural materials, like this honed granite counter, provide texture and warmth to the metals and clean lines of contemporary decorating schemes.

    Organic elements that add texture are important elements of the contemporary look. Natural stone, wood and metal add a soft touch to clean lines.
    Color is used unexpectedly. It can be a vibrant accent, or color can envelop a room with textiles and wall color. The palette is usually monochromatic, with different shades of the same color. The new neutrals--green, rose, blue--are grayed and dusty.
    Furniture is kept to a minimum. Often the dressing area is completely separate from the sleeping area, so the only furniture in the room is the bed and night tables .
    Low tables and beds--especially appropriate for city lofts--are a standard element of contemporary bedrooms.
    Furniture has clean details, strong lines and interesting materials, rather than a lot of ornamentation.
    Texture can be found in hammered metal, the rough surface of slate or tile, or honed slate.
    Contemporary Style
    From the special online feature Design Styles

    Contemporary style encompasses a range of styles developed in the latter half of the 20th century. Pieces feature softened and rounded lines, as opposed to the stark lines seen in modern design. Interiors contain neutral elements and bold color and focus on the basics of line, shape and form.

    For a different take on a contemporary color palette, look at this bedroom designed by one of the Design on a Dime decorating teams.

    Straight lines give a crisp look to this contemporary living room. Take a look at a hip home office with a decidely urban edge.

    Colors - Contemporary interiors feature tone-on-tone color palettes relying heavily on brown, taupe, cream and pure white. Shots of color are sometimes found on one wall, in a striking floor rug or a special piece of art. Furniture - Pieces feature clean lines and smooth surfaces without any carving or adornment. Silhouettes are slim without being dainty. Furniture is made of light-colored woods like maple and birch (which also have minimal graining), frosted or clear glass, stainless steel, nickel and chrome.

    Fabrics - Natural fabrics like silk, wool, linen and cotton are used for their textural aspect and inherent neutral hues. However, bold color or geometric pattern may be brought into the design with pillows, a rug or throw. Lighting - The lighting design is used as an artistic statement in a contemporary interior. Floor and table lamps will have straight lines and sleek metallic finishes; color might be introduced with a special shade. Recessed or track lighting draws attention to well-placed art and accessories.

    See more contemporary rooms in Designers' Portfolio>>

    Modern vs. Contemporary
    Decorating With Style : Episode DWS-1121 -- More Projects »
    Demystify the challenge of correctly identifying the differences between contemporary and modern design and learn how to personalize these similar yet dramatically different styles:

    Figure A

    Contemporary design incorporates lots of color and texture. Artwork is comfortable and colorful (figure A).
    Modern design uses less texture and is more about form/artistic impression rather than function. Add touches of color through artwork that makes you think and accessories.

    Figure B
    For a modern look be sure to include basic geometric shapes in decorative accents such as oversized round chrome accessories, square-edged furnishings and rectangular-patterned rugs and artwork (figure B). Wall colors are in the light and highly reflective color range--white-based greens, teals and blues as well as stark white. Paint the ceiling a crisp bright white to further emphasize dramatic architectural features.
    Contemporary designs call for softer lines and an emphasis on comfortable texture--everything from pitted floor tiles to soft sofa fabrics. Wall colors are warm and rich in the medium intensity range (don't use off whites or pale pastels to create a truly relaxing space).
    To customize the correct contemporary ceiling color, totally immerse a gloved index finger into a gallon of the chosen wall color. Quickly transfer it into a gallon of white latex flat paint, and then mix it thoroughly. Use one finger full of paint per gallon for eight-foot ceilings and two fingers per gallon for 12-foot ones.,1793,HGTV_3368_1381432,00.html

    Contemporary Design
    Design Basics : Episode DSB-202 -- More Projects »

    Smooth, clean lines are one characteristic of contemporary design.

    The use of light and space are the two most important elements when creating a contemporary interior.

    A well balanced room is comfortable and easy on the eyes.

    Be creative when defining your space.

    Let neutral hues be your background and add life and vitality with splashes of strong color.,1793,HGTV_3512_1377700,00.html
    Contemporary design is difficult to define completely, but innovative, spirited and streamlined are all words to describe it. The artistic blend of materials with a focus on light and space makes this style an exciting option.
    Generally considered a catch-all phrase for a lot of modern applications that don't fit in anywhere else, contemporary design uses smooth clean lines, bold colors and varied fabrics and textures, all of which are often mixed with other styles to create a specific look and feeling.

    Anyone can create their own contemporary interior by following these design basics:

    Concentrate on light and space. The use of light and space are the two most important elements when creating a contemporary interior. Avoiding clutter and fussy trimmings on furniture, drapes and accessories will allow a sense of ease and simplicity that is the focal point of this style. It will also allow light to filter in and fill up your space versus unnecessary accessories.
    Look for balance. Whether it's choosing colors, the shapes created by your furnishings or textures and finishes used in your design, always look for balance . A well-balanced room is comfortable and easy on the eyes.
    Define your space. Whatever the shape--straight, curved, rounded or boxy--let smooth clean lines and shapes define your space. Be creative and incorporate your own personality .
    Embrace strong colors. Neutral schemes are stereotypical of contemporary design and they can certainly be very appealing, but color is critical. Let neutral hues be your background and add life and vitality with splashes of strong color.
    Add depth and richness with texture. Beyond visual attraction, various materials feel and even sound different. You'll be surprised how balancing these materials affects your overall design and adds character to any space.
    Final Thought

    History tends to sweep a lot of styles together--some endure, others fade away. But a good design is really a timeless concept. It's well thought out and layered to withstand the fickle nature of style and taste. Contemporary or otherwise, it respects the past, recognizes the present and anticipates the future. As time passes on, a good design will survive.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
    Traditional home decorating is opulent and luxurious
    Read about the furniture and details that make up this decorating style to see if it is right for you - Free, Scalable Room Planner

    Traditional home decorating is elegant and refined. Many decorating styles are actually under the definition of traditional style. Actually a broad range of styles appeared during this time period. If you are deciding to go with the traditional home decorating scheme, there are different time periods and locations you may want to consider. Are you interested in 18th or early 19th century? What country are you looking at? France, England, Italy all had their own decorating styles in that time period.

    For our definition on this page, we will consider the Fine Traditional furnishings that hailed from England in the 18th century.

    A Formal Home is Most Appropriate for This Style

    For carrying off a Fine Traditional home decorating scheme, a large formal home is the best background. Intricate moldings, fireplaces, French doors, finely proportioned rooms, chair rails. wood floors, a formal dining room, built in bookcases; these are the hallmarks of traditional home decorating.

    Furniture Styles used in Traditional Home Decorating

    Furniture styles ranged from Empire, Renaissance, Louis the IV through Louis the VI. Others break the time period down into other sub-styles like Queen Anne, Chippendale, Hepplewhite and Sheraton which comprised the Federal period in America.

    Federal style, sometimes known as "Colonial style decorating" is covered on another page in this site. As you can see this type of decorating covers quite a period in history.

    Traditional styled rooms feature warm, dark, rich finish woods, often with intricate carvings. The lines of the furniture tend toward elegance and sensuous curves. The traditional style furniture has ornate carvings which give a very majestic feel. The decorating style tends toward a busy floor layout.

    Colors Used in Traditional Decorating

    Favored colors in traditional decorating lean toward the jewel tones. Topaz and Golds, Deep Reds and Rose Quatz, Marine Blues, Vibrant Greens, along with Grays, Beiges, and Whites form the color scheme for the traditional home decorating palette.

    Preferred Fabrics for Traditional Decorating

    When thinking of fabrics for traditional decorating this elegant and opulance. Silks, satins, velvets and brocades are the fabric of choice. Needlework and tapestries are often in evidence.

    Patterns used are florals, stripes, and Jacobean crewel work.

    Draperies are full and heavy and held back with ornate tassels. Footstools covered with needlepoint and fringe are the norm as are embroidered cushions which are scattered throughout the room. Table are often skirted.

    Furniture is upholstered in heavy luxurious fabrics. Button tufting, fringe, braid, and other trims create details on the upholstered pieces.

    Accessories Used in Traditional Style Decorating

    Lighting could include crystal chandeliers and brass light fixtures. Walls are hung with gilt mirrors, formal pictures of horses and landscapes with elaborate frames, and pictures of your ancestors (or someone else's if you don't have any of your family). Chinese screens provide decorative accents.

    Floors are covered with Aubusson carpets and Oriental rugs. Cabinets are filled with Dresden and Wedgewood china. The dining table is set with leaded crystal and heavy ornate silver. Floral arrangements are large, formal, and consist of traditional flowers such as roses, lilies, and peonies.

    For Traditional Home Decorating Think Opulence and Elegance

    If you crave luxury and elegance and you have the home to provide the backdrop, this is the style for you. Canopy beds, plush surroundings, beautiful accessories, all add up to the abundant and rich style of fine traditional home decorating.

    If when you think of traditional decorating you dream of Mount Vernon or Monticello, consider the simpler but still elegant Federal style of traditional home decorating.

    Visit for Great Savings on Home Furnishings.

    For Traditional Home Decorating Think Opulence and Elegance

    If you crave luxury and elegance and you have the home to provide the backdrop, this is the style for you. Canopy beds, plush surroundings, beautiful accessories, all add up to the abundant and rich style of fine traditional home decorating.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Decorating Your Home for a Casual Look
    From Coral Nafie,Your Guide to Interior Decorating.

    The Focus is on Comfort
    Do you long for a casual style room that is homey, warm, comfortable, and inviting? Who doesn't want to be comfortable in their own home? If you want to put together a casual style room, learn the basic elements that combine to create a truly casual room.
    For starters, casual rooms have simple details, textured elements in fabrics and accessories, restful horizontal lines, soft upholstery, low-luster surfaces, and arrangements that avoid perfect symmetry.

    Details are simple, and elements are rectangular or softly curved.

    A room decorated in a casual style is the perfect place to have a touch of whimsey. Use an old or reconstructed birdhouse or wooden candlestick for a lamp base, stack pieces of old luggage for a side table, use a low vintage ironing board for a coffee table.

    Casual decorating is easily incorporated into rustic, French Country, cottage, Shabby Chic, or American Country decorating styles.

    With people enjoying more relaxed lifestyles, many homes today are totally decorated using the elements of casual decorating. But any home can incorporate the elements into a guest room, country kitchen, guest room, or bath. The elements of a casual style of decorating can sneak into most any room and make it feel comfortable.

    The elements of a casual style of decorating are discussed below. Use any or all of these tips to bring the casual decorating style to your rooms.

    Furniture in a casual interior is soft and comfortable. Upholstered pieces are usually oversized and slipcovered.

    Many pieces of upholstered furniture are covered in neutral colors, such as tan, gray, beige, or off-white. But other colors are used, too. Soft pastels give a peaceful feeling. Or try darker tones such as navy, rust, olive or forest green, wine, and cranberry for punch.

    Fabrics on furniture and pillows are usually textured, rather than shiny. Interesting weaves of natural fibers like cotton, linen, wool are typical. New synthetic weaves give a natural look and add durability.

    For special accents on upholstered pieces, add ruffles, pleats, buttons, ribbon, or cording. Contrasting colored details incorporate the full range of colors in the room.

    To achieve a casual look, pieces are often long, large, and horizontal, rather than vertical and tall and petite. Tables are chunky and of a large scale, which gives a comfortable feeling, while providing space for storage and spreading out. This helps to create a restful look.

    A room decorated in a casual style is the perfect place for found items of wicker, iron, and rattan, or flea market finds. Old antiques fit in well.
    Go to Page 2 for more on Casual Style Decorating.

    ~ Coral Nafie

    It All Adds Up to Making Everyone Feel Comfortable

    A room decorated in a causal style often has furniture arranged on the diagonal, cutting off sharp corners. Matched pieces are not required, as the focus is on easy.

    An ottoman is essential for comfort. Add a large wooden or rattan tray to convert it to a coffee table.

    Light woods are often used for furniture pieces and wood flooring. Oak and pine are the most popular, either painted or finished with a flat, low luster varnish to protect the grain.

    Hammered iron, antiqued brass, wrough iron, porcelain, or carved wood are used for the hardware on doors and drawers.

    Collections of treasured or found items are often arranged to add the casual look. The shelf of a bookcase or corner tabletop is the perfect place for an arrangement of treasures.

    Bedrooms in a casual home would not be without a mountain of pillows and a comfortable quilt.

    Windowcoverings in a casual room usually start with shutters, blinds or shades for privacy and light control. They're enhanced with simple valances of fabrics, often layered over non-traditional drapery hardware. Add a touch of whimsey here using a tree branch or old iron pipe for a curtain rod. Drapery panels often hang at the sides, or use long iron nails or notched tree branches for tie-backs.

    Details on window treatments are simple. Contrast lining fabric peeking out from the sides, cording or wide contrast banding, or tab tops with buttons or ribbon details dress up the window--but not too much! Add a simple swag of fabric or fabric tie-backs if you must.

    Floors in a casual style room are hardwood, tile, stone, or stained concrete. If carpet is used, it should not be too plush. Rather chose sisal, berber, or long, shaggy styles or subtle geometric woven patterns.

    Rooms decorated in a casual style have light fixtures made of wrought iron, tin, pewter, or wood. Simple chandeliers look old in wrought iron or antiqued metals. Or electrify a hanging pan rack or hang a rack of antlers. Add small fabric-covered lampshades on the small candle lights. Or select a chandelier that burns real candles for a really warm, homey feeling.

    Almost anything you have around the house becomes a decorative accessory in a room decorated in a casual style. Gather pillows, books, boxes, candlesticks, bird houses, and flowers and put them everywhere. Easy-to-keep plants or silk plants add color and texture and candles give a warm, welcoming glow and fragrance.

    Artwork of country, casual themes is simply framed using wooden frames, either painted or stained.

    The dining table of a room decorated in a casual style would be set with rugged stoneware, textured woven or fabric placemats, coordinated napkins, heavy glasses, stainless flatware, wooden bowls, and accessories of iron or pewter. The colors of the table should enhance the theme of the room, using either bold floral patterns, plain pieces, or soft, comfortable pastels.
    Keep in mind that a room decorated in a causal style should be:

    comfortable, homey, welcoming, and sturdy.
    Fabrics should be soft and textured.
    Furniture is long, overstuffed, and low.
    Surfaces worn and rugged.
    Accessories are old and rustic.
    A touch of whimsey is in order.
    Use a casual style wherever you want to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

    For the opposite of casual style see these elements of formal style decorating.

    See all All Style Guides : Decorating FAQs : What to Do First : What Do You Want to Do?

    ~ Coral Nafie

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Decorating in a Contemporary Style
    From Coral Nafie,Your Guide to Interior Decorating.

    Be Right Up to Date
    Current, modern, of today, right now. If that sounds like you, then you might like a contemporary style of decorating.
    While it's been thought that modern interiors are cold and minimalist, today's contemporary interiors are comfortable and welcoming without being cluttered and dark. It's a style that is equally appropriate for offices and stores, lofts and homes.

    A contemporary home can be a quiet and comfortable retreat. To achieve the look of a contemporary home, it's important to stick to some basic rules.

    Fundamentally, simplicity, subtle sophistication, texture and clean lines help to define contemporary decorating. Interiors showcase space rather than things. By focusing on color, space, and shape, contemporary interiors are sleek and fresh.

    Learn about some more of the characteristics and elements of a contemporary style of decorating and how you might bring the look into each room of your home.

    Neutrals, black, and white are the main colors in contemporary interiors. The palette is often punched up and accented with bright and bold color. Black is often used to ground and define a contemporary room. With walls painted in a basic neutral, you have a wonderful backdrop for bold colored accessories. If the walls and windows are painted in pastels, the trims should be neutral. If a wall is a bright, bold color, neutrals should be used everywhere else.

    Line and Space
    The most obvious and distinctive element of a contemporary interior design is line. It's found in architectural details, use of bold color blocks, high ceilings, bare windows, and geometric shapes in wall art and sculpture. The bare space, on walls, between pieces of furniture, and above in upper areas, becomes as important as the areas filled with objects. In contemporary interiors, less is more. Each piece stands out as individual and unique.
    Take advantage of structural elements. Air ducts may hang from a ceiling, broken bricks provide texture and stability, and exposed plumbing pipes are perfectly acceptable. To draw the eye, paint these structural details in bold contrasting colors, or to diminish their importance, blend them with the walls.

    Contemporary Furniture
    Smooth, clean, geometric shapes are essential for furniture pieces. Upholstered furniture often wears black, white, or other neutral tones in textured natural fibers. Cover it in a neutral, black, or bold fabric. Fabrics often have a natural look (wool, cotton, linen, silk, jute) and add textural appeal.
    Furniture pieces should be simple and uncluttered, without curves or decoration. Sofas, chairs, and ottomans have exposed legs. Beds and chairs usually have no skirt, trim, fringe, or tassels.

    Pillows add a shot of color and texture in clean geometric shapes.

    Keep in Mind

    Use furniture and accessories to make a bold statement. Use a basic background and shout out with your favorite color on a piece that will stand out.

    Less is more! No ruffles, cute, carved details, fringe, or floral prints. Abolish cute and small. Go basic, bare, bold, and structural.

    Floors should be bare and smooth in wood, tile, or vinyl. If you must use carpet for sound control or warmth, choose commercial grades. Add color and texture with plain or geometric-patterned area rugs.
    Read on for More Elements of Contemporary Style Decorating.

    Decorating Style Guide : Shabby Chic : Paris Apartment Style : Tuscan Style : Traditional Style : Tropical Chic Style : French Country Style

    ~ Coral Nafie

    Contemporary style decorating has distinct characteristics and elements that are evident. Read below for ways to incorporate some of those design elements into your interior space.

    Generous use of metal, stone, and opaque or clear glass works well in a room decorated in a contemporary style. To soften and warm up the space, add heavily textured fabrics in plain colors for window treatments, pillows, or rugs.

    While prints are usually avoided, as they confuse a plain space, two-tone prints work well. Think about a zebra print pillow on a black leather chair, a large leopard-print pillow thrown on a plain floor, or bold, heavily textured striped rug to anchor solid colored, sleek furniture.

    Individual pieces are very important in a contemporary interior and lighting fixtures should be selected to focus on specific pieces. Each light fixture could be a work of art itself with sculptural details and clean lines. Add color and metallic elements on the light fixtures.

    To draw the eye to wall art, use spotlights or can lighting directed at a painting, poster, or print.

    Track lighting and recessed lighting help to wash a wall in light. In home renovations or new construction, consider installing cove lighting or indirect light.

    Sculptures or art on a stand can be placed at eye level by using a structural column or pedestal. Again, be sure the piece is well-lighted.

    Don't clutter the room with collections or too many pieces. Open space is just as, if not more, important as the pieces you put in the space.

    Plants and flowers should be large and dramatic in simple containers. Large blooms with interesting leaves work better than small arrangements. If space allows, place upward focusing lights around a large plant on the floor. Keep the arrangements neat with rocks or bark chips arranged over the dirt.

    Frames in high-gloss or matte black, natural wood, or metal finishes are great for artwork. If you must put several pieces together, hang them close together so they give the feeling of one large piece instead of many small pieces.

    In a dining room, keep dinnerware contemporary, too. There are a number of geometric shapes, bold colors, and interesting styles available. Bring in texture with silverware, napkins, placemats and centerpieces.
    Find contemporary furniture sources here.

    Decorating Style Guide : Shabby Chic : Paris Apartment Style : Tuscan Style : Traditional Style : Tropical Chic Style : French Country Style

    ~ Coral Nafie

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lynn-you can bid on that if you want. I can't do anything till I finish my 4yr olds "big girl room". Let me know if you get it. And thankyou for the articles, it's so much easier when laid out like that

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    organic-thankyou for those links

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Barbara Barry (the bedding designer) designs a line for Baker furniture, and their website describes her style like this:

    "Soothe your spirit with paired down elegance that recalls the glamor of 1930's Hollywood tempered by a modern sensibility."

    But in fact, Target has a lot of transitional style furniture. We recently bought two round-topped tables at Target for less than $100 each that are reminiscent of the style of the Barry round-topped table.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Barbara Barry Collection at Baker Furniture