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Screwless Decora wall plates?

17 years ago

Our builder said: "You'll probably want Decora light switches." Not wanting to seem ignorant, we nodded. Then rushed home to find out what they are. We do want rocker switches, but I don't know if that means we need Decora. Do we? Is Decora a better electrical gadget or just an aesthetic choice?

Now, it gets more complicated than I thought. If we do need/want this Decora brand, I see that we could choose a style of wall plates that don't have visible screws. They clip on with a spring maybe. My first thought is will whoever puts them on after the walls are painted screw up the paint popping them into place?

And, secondly, will they stay in place? I time will the catches relax and the plates stick out from the wall?

They look real clean now, but I'm skeptical. Any help??

Anything else I need to know?

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