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Sofa Colors...What's Yours?

13 years ago

As the current owner of brown sofas which need replaced, I'm leaning towards a color. If it's a mistake, please talk me out of it! We ditched the idea of a small sectional, since of course there aren't any. When I got serious and put down butcher paper, I realized even though it fit, it wasn't a good fit. I'm leaning towards two smaller pieces instead, and am thinking about a coppery matte colored leather, which I'd call a medium tone. I have an Arts and Crafts interior and am wondering if this will be too much or if I might get tired of it. Currently, I'm very tired of brown, which A&C seems to have a lot of.

I'd love to hear pros/cons of colors if you have any. If you have a colored sofa, do you love it or would you do something different next time? What's your color?

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