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recommendations for sunroom sofa

12 years ago

I had hoped to reupholster the present settee in the room but the springs and frame are compromised and the expense is too high for the piece. I would love suggestions on what shape and color sofa you might use in this room. It is a play room in disguise. During the day it is a primary play area for a one and six year old but at night I like to pretend their are no children in the house and have an adult space. However, since I do have kids during the day I do not care to spend a small fortune on the piece. I hope to spend less than 2500 on the sofa. The room is tiny at 9by 12 so I think less than 86 inches is needed. I thought maybe a chesterfield in grey velvet might be nice but my DH is not sold yet. Here is the room and I hope to keep everything but the settee. Thanks.

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