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light fixture over kitchen table off-center

17 years ago

The hanging light fixture that is in my breakfast nook is off center. I guess that the builder found this particular spot to be the easiest place from which to hang a light, but it is definately and very obviously not over the center of where the table must go. What can I do remedy this problem? The guys at Home Depot told me to get a hook and swag the chain over to where it should be hung from, which is about 5 inches over. But isn't this kind of tacky? And, I really don't want to hire an electrician and mess up my ceiling and have to repaint it.

The light is a beautiful hand made Italian piece that I scored at a close out place for cheap. It's wonderful, and I hate to do it such an injustice by hanging it wrong. Do you think that I could cover up the hook and original ceiling plate by constructing a sort of decorative box with crown molding and faux bronzed tin ceiling panels? Any advice would be really appreciated! Thanks!

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