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Took down the brass rail and added counter stools

15 years ago

Well, added one, the other is still in the box.

I had a brass rail across my kitchen island. I took it off this morning. It only had a few little screws. I can put it back if you think it looked better.

I wanted counter stools, nothing too big, for the kids to sit on. The brass rail, well that was from the PO and I guess it was more for standing at the island. It got in the way of the stools.

Here's a before rail and after photo. The only concern I have is the color of the stools. They are more reddish cherry than I wanted. I ordered them from overstocks so shipping them back will be expensive (I am sure much more than the $3 I paid to ship them to me). The leather seat top I like. I wonder how I can make them darker or am I being super picky and no one else will care?

rail on

rail off

This is the stool I ordered:


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