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do your clothes shrink in the dryer?

17 years ago

I have a Duet 9400 dryer or something like that which was bought in March of this year. My entire family has noticed that all our clothes are shrinking!

I just washed my favourite black pants in cold water and dried on air dry for 20 min - which really did nothing. Then I dried on Extra Low for 15 min. I couldn't get to the machine for a while, but when I finally did, the clothes were still damp, so I had them dry on Extra Low again for 15 min. I don't remember if they were ready then or not, but I may have put them in for another 15 minutes on Extra Low. The label on the pants indicates to dry on Low (so I used Extra Low).

Well, I can't zip up the black pants anymore! Of course I will call Whirlpool tomorrow, but I am wondering if anyone else has problems with shrinking? It is so bad that I hang everything to air dry and my kids always make fun of "Mom shrinking the clothes" even though I tell them that it is the machine that does it.


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