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how to move Laundry - 2nd Floor?

14 years ago


I am new to this forum, and seek some advise regarding our new/old house. We recently moved into this old 1985 colonian 3 level home. Currently, the Laundry room (washer and dryper) are on the main level, and we would like to move it to the 2nd floor. There is a bathroom (toilet & shower) next to the walk in closet that we want to convert into the laundry room.

So, far my understanding is that we will need:

1) 220v power line, directly running from the box to the dryer

2) hot and cold water suppy - we can get that from the bathroom next door.

3) drainage - Can we use the exising bathroom's drainage?

4) washer tray and its drainage - do we need a separate drainage pipe to run from the tray? and where should we end this pipe at? There is a sump pump all the way down in the basement?

5) dryer vent - from what I have read so far, the vent needs to go up into the attic. But would'nt that make the attic go really hot during the summer? is there any alternative?

6) anything else we may have missed?

Any and all the help is much appreciated !!!!



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