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small NYC kitchen in need of something... does it exist?

16 years ago

My brother and sister in law recently bought an apt. in a coop building and are renovating the kitchen before they move in.

The had planned to do a cooktop with an electric wall oven, but just found out that the coop does not allow electric wall ovens because it requires too much ampage or something along those lines.

So, she figures she'll go with a gas wall oven which means it will have to go directly under the gas cooktop. apparently if they want to move a gas line it requires permitting, etc etc... they don't want to get into this. they need to keep things moving quickly and fairly economical.

Here is the problem: they haven't found a gas wall oven that doesn't require a minimum of 14" of clearance below it.

does this sound right? does anyone know of one that will work for them?

They have to order their cabinets by Wednesday so all of this has to sort itself out rather quickly.

THANKS so much.. will xpost on appliances.

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