What Sheen Of Paint Did You Use On Your Bathroom Walls?
14 years ago
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- 14 years ago
- 14 years ago
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What are/did you use for bathroom vanities?
Comments (5)For the master bath, we used the same cabinetry that we used in our kitchen. We ended up spending $1100 on our 36" maple vanities with all-wood construction, and we're a lot happier with their "feel" than with the ones we found in-stock at the big-box stores like Home Depot. Those seemed to have problems with door alignment and just felt cheap. Our builder preferred having the all-wood construction in the bathroom to the particleboard construction. Since our vanities were 36", which is a standard size, we were able to get Crystal Green granite vanity tops, including the undermounted sinks for another $438 at Lowes. For our downstairs/guest bath, we just went with a pedestal sink look. We have subway floor tiles, and white beadboard wainscoting with blue walls, so we wanted a very simple, clean look, which the pedestal sink supplied. If you follow the link I'm posting below, there is our most recent downstairs bath photo, and if you scroll farther down, you'll be able to see the master bath as well. Cheers! Heather W Here is a link that might be useful: Our ICF Home Construction Journal...See MoreIf You Have a Black Vanity -- How Did You Decorate Your Bathroom?
Comments (9)The ballard shower curtain you describe would be gorgeous-- and elegant but so tailored and cold next to what you've described in your other rooms. I don't think the styles need to match necessarily but it sounds like a completely different personality to me-- as does the toile (though it would be lovely too). You've done some interesting and unexpected things in your other rooms-- it just seems natural that you'd do the same in the bathroom. I love black and light green together--if it were my bathroom, I'd use a leaf print to make a beautiful little oasis. You could go wild and tropical for one look.. or more subdued for a more serene environment. I tend towards the serene-- so I'd go for something like the PB overlapping leaves shower curtain with interesting artwork. But that's MY taste haha.. what "feels" right to YOU? It may be too "earthy" for your tastes but I have handcrafted tiles in my small half bath with a raised frog and turtle. But you could go so many directions with leaves-- black and white photographs like citymom did.. some kind of funky tribal or island decor. Whatever tickles your fancy. Here is a link that might be useful: one option for leafy green shower curtain...See MoreWhat sheen paint for bead board wainscoting in bathroom?
Comments (16)BM now sells it's original oil-based alykd (in a petroleum oil base), a water-clean-up alkyd (in a mineral oil base), and latex paint. They tell me that the water-clean-up alkyd is almost as good as the oil-based alkyd but I'm skeptical, so I went with the original oil base when I painted the inside of my exterior doors recently. The original oil base is supposedly going to be phased out (it already has been modified so much to eliminate VOCs that it isn't nearly as strong as the oil paints were "back in the day"). The water-based alkyds will remain available. This info is all per the owner of my local BM store and current as of 2 weeks ago when I bought my paint. As far as painting latex over oil goes, you CAN do it, but you need to prep well and use a bonding primer. I've been doing it (my whole house was oil based on the trim) for a couple years now by washing the oil paint on the trim to remove the dirt/grime, painting one coat of a bonding primer like Zinsser 123, and then painting 2 coats of latex topcoat. It's been fine. If you put latex directly on top of oil with no primer, it won't stick. The PO's did that in a couple of the bedrooms here, and I was able to literally PULL most of their paint off with my hands (I had to use a scraper in a couple spots, but for the most part, it came off in big sheets!) to get back down to the oil paint, which I then primed and recoated with latex. Yeah, that wasn't fun. So if you're gonna put latex over oil (or even the waterbased alkyds over oil), I'd definitely spend the time doing a coat of bonding primer -- better safe than sorry....See MoreWhich Paint Sheen Did You Use In Your Kitchen?
Comments (2)BM Aura matte here, too. We had the kitchen repainted as part of a larger repaint this past spring. The regualr BM paint in eggshell finish just didn't seem to be holding up very well (the walls were painted when we did the kitchen almost 3 years ago). We REALLY like the Aura matte a lot! It takes a scrubbing very well, and touches up easily (FYI, use the same nap roller or brush type for touch-ups that you end up using to do the painting--the new paint woun't be noticeable, but the different texture would be)....See MoreRelated Professionals
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