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Sewer smell in 2nd floor laundry room with F&P ecosmart washer

15 years ago

Hello All,

We've got a F&P Ecosmart washing machine that we bought about 9 months ago. The laundry room is on the 2nd floor. We also have a Kenmore dryer from Sears that's about a year old.

After a wash the room has this really strong sewer smell. It also appears to be in the machine when we open the lid but the clothes don't seem to smell. I read through a few posts online and it appears that there might be one of two causes.

1. The trap (and I don't know that we have one) is getting emptied due to the powerful pump on the F&P but could that happen with the Ecosmart?

2. The laundry room is pretty much sealed with the door closed, so when running the dryer (which often happens about the same time, have to do more testing to isolate it) it sucks are and fumes from the drain. We did leave the door open and still get the smell, so I doubt it's this but it is a possibility.

Is there a way that I can tell if we have a trap in the drain?

We don't get this smell in the 1st floor laundry/mud room, which is unused except for the utility tub. And we don't get the smell in the basement either, again another utility tub. They're all one below the other.

Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated! Specifically around the F&P washer pump output and the "how do I know if we have a trap installed".



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